Well, Well, Well

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Ah yes, fifteen years old.

Kagome had experienced several times what it means to be pulled into following the plot. Many times she was forced on going into the old shed where the well was, but no, she was smarter than that.

Also she has been contemplating on whether to drag the jewel out of her side or not. Since it will be originally removed when she gets stabbed by the centipede lady.

She had woken up, but she was too lazy to get up from her bed. It was the first day of summer vacation and her Plan™ was thwarted by her parents who decided to go to their own vacation with Souta. Leaving her alone in the house. Her grandfather on the other hand, was at the other house so she is really alone.

All is swell. She didn't have to lie. But now that the first day of summer vacation arrived, she had no motivation on going in that well.

"This sucks." Kagome sat up and thought up on what could motivate her in going along the plot.

Ah yes, dog. It will be a fun trip just so she can mess with Inuyasha.

Kagome's hand glowed and she reached for her sides. It was only a moment of using some of her powers so it wasn't that risky.

Her hand went in her sides, but there were no blood in sight. In one swift movement, she grabbed the jewel and pulled it out of her.

It did sting a bit, but it was better than having an open wound from a centipede lady.

Also, recently she has been receiving some memories from Midoriko and Kikyo. It might have been her soul at work. But it did prove to be a bit helpful since she received some useful information about the plot.

She had to follow the plot since it still scares the soul of the thought of being ejected by the world. No no for that painful experience again.

With a small travel bag in hand, Kagome faced the well with a sour look on her face. The Shikon jewel had been made in a hair tie that put her hair in a ponytail. It was a spur of the moment decision, but Kagome was sure that she can protect her hair. Nobody may touch her hair or even cut it without her permission.

As she approached the well, the jewel glowed and several white hands had popped out from the well. Normally, a person would scream in terror, but Kagome(the soul) was far from normal already.

Just as they were about to grab Kagome, she grabbed one of the hands and broke it. She could hear a screech of pain and the hands become more violent.

"Can you please let me time travel peacefully." Kagome blandly said and wrote a barrier on a peace of paper, stuck it on her and jumped down the well. The hands look to be angry that they can't touch Kagome and thrashed around before disappearing.

She landed on the bottom of the well with ease. Looking up, she saw the sky and no roof. The time travel was a success.

Kagome crouched down and prepared to jump up the well. She didn't want to waste time climbing up the vines. She had to pet those ears.

And so, with the confirmation that some of her powers can be used, Kagome jumped a height that could be deemed as impossible for a normal human.

Her eyes sparkling as she made her way to the sacred tree, one thought in mind.

She will pet those ears. She will pet those ears. Centipede lady can wait, she will pet those ears.

And thus she finally saw the red-clad dog, hanging leisurely on a tree as if he was just asleep. With three hops, she instantly reached a root that would place her in front of Inuyasha.

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