Chapter 16: Infirmary

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He thought that he wasn't going to make it for a second. There was a split second where he was blacking out, thinking that this was the end. The last thing he wanted was to die alone. Sage seemed terrified. He wanted to help him. But all he wanted to do was hold him for what could have been the last time. He could hope that everyone would protect him after he was gone. Knowing his cousins, they would without a doubt.

The warmth and stickiness of his own blood was a strange sensation. He could feel it pouring out of him at an alarming rate. He didn't know what those arrows were made out of, but it was enough to do some real damage. He hoped they didn't get any of the other warriors.

He closed his eyes and enjoyed the honey scent of his mate when it happened. The man's touch was already leaving pleasant sparks through his body. Now they were bringing warmth. It felt like heaven right then, as the heat on his back warmed him to his very core. It felt like he was floating for a second. Like he was on a cloud, basking in the sunlight. Only to finally be brought down to where he was to regain his senses.

"Reggie!" he heard someone yell for him. It seemed so far away at first, but then it got closer. Much closer. "Reggie! You gotta wake up for me!"

He listened to the voice, now that he had finally regained his senses. Opening his eyes showed him that he was still in the forest with the yellow fire and the hut that seemed as if it just appeared out of nowhere.

The hut...

"Sage!" he sat up fast, immediately regretting it. He was so light headed after all that had happened. It didn't seem like much time had passed, but the fighting had stopped.

"Take it slow, Reg," Ed put a hand on his shoulder. Those golden eyes looked so worried. "You just went through one hell of a beating."

"Where's Sage?" he asked again. He needed to know where his mate was, because the last time he saw him, he was in his arms. "They were going after him! They were trying to kill him!"

All his memories rushed to the front of his mind all at once. He could remember everything from the awkward conversation of him trying to find some excuse as to how he found this place, to the scene where he saw that hunter with a knife to his mate's gut.

He had never been as furious as he was at that moment. He never had a reason to be. It was the first time he truly understood why they called it 'seeing red', and it made him blood thirsty for that man.

"He's right over there," Ed said. "I have Dr. Rudy coming to check up on him."

"They were going to kill him," he told the gamma. "He's who they were searching for, he's-!"

"I know, Reggie, I know," Ed rubbed his back a little bit. One of the other warriors came to bring him some new clothes. "I saw them too. We made sure to stay close to this place in case you needed help."

"But why?" Reggie asked. "Why would they go after him?"

"I think I have some answer to that," Ed said.


"He healed you, Reggie," those golden eyes were wide as they looked at him.

"He did what?" now he was getting a headache. His mind was a mess of thoughts and memories. He didn't quite know what was even going on at the moment.

"He healed you," Ed repeated. "I was taking care of the hunters who you took the arrows for. Then before I could even run over to check up on you, I saw that kid's hands glow. Next thing I know, your wounds were closing."

"But," he furrowed his eyebrows. "That doesn't make sense."

"There's a lot of things in this world that doesn't make sense, Reggie," Ed told him. "Come on, we gotta get back to the pack house with everyone."

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