Chapter 18: A Stranger's Bed

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Okay. So, he either got another issue with his health and passed out in the forest, only to be found and brought to this strange room.


Everything that his brain was remembering actually happened and he was potentially in a dangerous place.

Sage didn't exactly know what to think. All he knew was that this room held medical equipment, and he was in what looked to be a hospital bed. But it didn't exactly look like a hospital. The room itself seemed more homely. The light walls even had a few pictures and artwork on them. If it weren't for the cabinets that lined a whole side of the wall, he would have just assumed that this was a strange guest room of sorts.

It was the sunlight from the grand window in that room that woke him up that morning. He could only hope that he didn't sleep for too long. Some things that his mind was recalling seemed like they were just a dream. It all seemed so real, but he didn't know whether he wanted to believe it or not.

He sat up in the bed and tested his limbs. Whenever he passed out from low blood sugar, it always seemed like he was a zombie when he woke back up. It was as if he had just slept for a hundred years and had to get used to his body again. This time, it seemed like it wasn't too bad. He looked down to see that he was in a hospital gown.

Great. This meant that he had to look for his clothes now. Because there was no way that he was going to try and walk out with this thing on. Looking out the window, it seemed like he was still somewhere in the forest. He could get a better idea of where in the forest he was as soon as he got outside. He knew these trees like the back of his hand.

He got up slowly, careful not to move too fast. The last thing he needed was to be light headed and fall down. He wanted to be as quiet as possible, just in case someone found out that he was awake. He'd much rather sneak out of here rather than stay and figure out what these people wanted with him. His grandma had told him to never trust anyone in the forest. You never knew who were dangerous.

He looked around and, sure enough, there was a small closet that had a bag of his things. This place might not look like a hospital, but it was still built like one. It even had a bathroom connected to it. It didn't exactly have the fancy sliding glass door, but it was still a personal bathroom for the room. He went in there to change, just in case someone decided to walk into the room at the worst time.

Man, that would be way more embarrassing than anything else.

The only thing that he didn't have in the bag was his necklace. It immediately made his heart race. He already broke it the day before, he couldn't lose it completely. It was the last thing he had of his grandmother. And, no matter how much he searched through that bag, he just couldn't seem to find it.

Sage sighed. All he could do was hope that it was still at home. He didn't know what his hut was going to be like, but he knew that he had to go see it again. That alone would solve the mystery that he still had.

His memories were trying to invade his mind while he washed his face in the sink. The arrows and blood all flashed before his eyes. He didn't want to believe that it was real. Because that meant that Reggie was hurt. That meant that someone was trying to kill him. And all he wanted to do was set up a memorial for his grandma.

Reggie. He hoped that he was okay. He really hoped that it was all just a dream. He would do anything to make sure that his friend was at least alive and well. Whatever happened was enough to do some major damage. He probably shouldn't have pulled those arrows out right then. It seemed like it just made him bleed out more.

But something happened after that. Something that he couldn't really explain. For some reason, he wasn't too worried about whether his friend was alright. A part of him was certain that he was.

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