Thanks for Reading!

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***Author's Update on The Publication of this story in the next part! Don't fret!***

Hello, and thank you for reading the first twenty chapters of this lovely story. Unfortunately, this novel has been taken down, along with the rest from this series, as I go about trying to publish them all.

If you would like to finish reading the first story, it's up for sale soon! The date of publication is going to be October 10th, 2022!

You can preorder by looking up "Mateless and Luna Bound" on Amazon! If you want the story now, though, the ebook is out for buying on my website!

This is where all my novels are going to be published. The ebooks are only $4.99 to be yours forever.

And, if you think that's all that I have in store for you guys, think again! The paperback for this book is also going to be available before the other websites! October 7th is when the paperback for this lovely story is going to be available to order from this very website! While you can't preorder it, if you wait for that date, you just might have it a bit sooner.

The other news I wanted to tell you all is that I have a limited supply of signed copies of novels. Since I'm still tiny, I have to sell them all personally for the signed copies. However, if you would like one feel free to message me with a mailing address and we'll discuss the price then! There are only 20 copies that are going to be signed!

As far as this specific book goes, the only thing I can say is that the best way to be able to read the rest of these chapters would be to buy the first novel! If you can't, which I completely understand, then spread this to your friends! Or just give me a follow. It doesn't matter either way to me, as you all help me in the best way possible, just for reading my work!

Feel free to ask questions in this chapter, or just message me. For anymore information, message me or give me a follow! I'm always on here and will always message back!

And thanks for all the love and support! It's been great on here, and it would be getting published without the help of all of you! While these are going down as they get ready for publishing, the rest of my stories are still going to be up, and I still plan on writing plenty more! Just know that there are always going to be novels on here that are free to read. My goal is to continue to be on here writing stories and communicating with all of you! You all really are my muses and motivation! And I'll forever be grateful for that!

See you all soon!

Mateless and Home Bound (In Process Of Publication)Where stories live. Discover now