Chapter 19: An Explanation

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"What happened?" Charlie asked. "Is he okay?"

The small group that had been with him in the library had immediately run out as soon as Reggie did. He knew that there was something wrong as soon as he heard the sound of someone running through the hallways. Then he heard the sound of the door to the side of the house shut and he realized that the scent that he was already getting used to was getting fainter.

"He passed out again," Reggie carried him back into the house. "I don't know what all he overheard, but he didn't get that far at least."

He was never the best runner, Reggie knew that from the one PE class he shared with him. He was fast, but he had absolutely no stamina. Still, it was hard to keep up with him, and there was no way that he was going to change into his wolf form to catch him. That would only terrify him more.

It was late morning, and they were still trying to figure out what had happened the night before. He just found out that his best friend was a witch last night, just to have Alistair say that he was a Star Child to boot. They hadn't known any Star Child other than Charlie. And they didn't really think much of the strange phenomenon. Charlie was, for the most part, an average human. He could only use his telepathy a few times when he's in danger. Other than that, he hadn't really used it too much.

None of them had a clue that someone could do what Sage had done the night before. Alistair told them that it was a type of ability that they could have, but it was still a strange sight to see, let alone to be apart of. Max didn't even believe it at first.

And, now, on top of trying to figure out what was going on in their own forest, Reggie also had to figure out how to tell his best friend, and his mate, that he was a werewolf.

But first, he had to make sure that he was okay. He rushed him back to the infirmary to see that Dr. Button was there already. The old man looked calm and set to work immediately as soon as Reggie set him down on the bed.

"High blood pressure," he said out loud. "Along with his blood sugar dropping again. Quite a unique case you stumbled upon, Reggie."

"You have no idea," he sighed.

"The poor thing's probably terrified," Charlie shook his head. "No one was even here when he first woke up to tell him that he was safe."

"And he's probably going to be even more terrified to wake up to a bunch of strange faces," Dr. Button said. He quickly gave Sage the medicine he needed. "The most important thing he needs right now, is food."

"Does this mean he's going to wake up soon?" Eric asked. He looked a bit more excited than Reggie. He was probably super happy that Sage was going to find out about them. Reggie would be too, if it weren't for the fact that it was up to him to tell him all of this.

"He's already coming to," Dr. Button said. "I'd suggest that this time only a few select people be here to greet him."

"Well," Max said. "He's Reggie's friend. I suppose we'll leave it to you for now."

"Do I get to sta-!"

"No," Max cut off Eric before he could even finish his sentence. It was fun watching the two of them. Max and Charlie had just about the perfect family.

"But he's already met me!"

"That doesn't mean that he'll be calm when he wakes up and sees you," Charlie put a hand on his son's arm. "Come on, we can wait outside if anything."

Reggie waited as they all left. Even Alistair had come with them, too worried about the person he had yet to even meet. He was such a strange werewolf. He was always the most spiritual one of the pack too. It was his caring nature that made everyone warm up to him easily. Him and Nick were the perfect duo for parties, too.

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