Cherry Lipstick and Fine Figures

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That Liam kid walked away ages ago, thanking me for what I've done. Even though he shouldn't, I mean, I couldn't just stand there and leave him to be picked on. That's too wrong.

I keep on walking around campus; which is pretty big. "Nella!" A young, screechy voice exclaims. I flinch at her voice and turn around.

"Oh, hey Tessa." I reply. "You said you could introduce me to Lou. I've been waiting all day for you to find me, but you didn't show up." She whined.

"First of all, you should've went looking for me. Second of all, I found a bigger douche than that Tomlinson guy." I reply.

She ushers me to go on, hoping it's guy who is ten times cuter than... that dick. "That blonde guy over there." I point behind her to where he and his friends were walking up.

"Why do you always find the good guys?! That's Niall Horan. A total Irish babe. One day, I'll marry him and his beautiful voice." Tessa murmurs.

I shake my head, no way can she do that.  He'll probably only use her for her body.

"Hey, Nella!" Niall exclaims, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "What do you say about coming to a bonfire tonight?" He flirts.

I scuff. "KItty's got some claws!" One of his friends imitates a cat paw with his hands.

"No, Tucker, she doesn't. She's just got a bit of... feisty-ness going on."

"Hence her last name. Feist." Tucker finishes.

Niall rolls his eyes then back down to me "So, what d'ya say?" He asks.

I think for a second. A single second is all I needed. "No." I state blankly.

"Of course she will! I mean, you're Niall Horan and she'd love to go!" Tessa blurts.

I give her an evil eye.

"Great! So, I'll pick you up at your wing at 7." He responds like my answer wasn't even heard.

He walks away with his friends, throwing a soccer ball around to each other.

"Oh my God! I can't believe you got invited to a party! More importantly, Niall's party! Oh my God. What are you going to wear? What am I going to wear?"

"Tessa, calm down! I'm not going." I answer.

She looks at me, trying to calculate my answer through her pretty little head.

"No! You have to go or else you won't be known in this school!" She bluntly exclaims.

I roll my eyes, walking towards a mini food kiosk in the middle of the courtyard. I could use some food right now.

"Oh come on, Nella! You have a chance for popularity. Don't you want that?" She asks.

I'm angry, now. Furious, even. "No! That's the last thing I want. School hasn't even started yet and you're already concluding that everything revolves around you. News flash! It doesn't. Now, can you please go away? I don't want to deal with you."

She looks at me, shocked that I confronted her. She looks around, scared people had looked.

Luckily, nobody has even paid attention to us.

She walks away in her skimpy little summer dress when it's clearly fall.

Thank God I got her out of my life for at least an hour.

I continue padding up the concrete sidewalk to the food stand with my stomach rumbling. I should've eaten breakfast.

"What can I do you for?" The man asks.

I look right above his head where the menu is. Damn, I'm sure it can't get anymore expensive than this.

"I'll just have a... a strawberry pastry with..." Come on, any coffee? Nope. Just my luck.  "With a Yorkshire tea, please?" I finished.

The man typed in the order, with a smug look on his face.

"What?" I smirked.

"Oh, nothing. You're clearly not from around here. Your order will be up in a second." He turns around, starting on my order.

Although, it's not much longer until he turns back around pointing his finger towards me, trying to ask a question but clearly can't.

"Nella." I answer. He nods and laughs, still in the process of my order.

"So, Nella. Where are ya from?" He asks with his back still turned away from me.

"Isn't it obvious?" I laugh. "It is," he turns back around in one slick move, handing me my tea and pastry, "But I have no clue what part of America you're from."

I'm guessing he doesn't even know where California is, nonetheless Georgia.

"Well, I'm form Georgia. The city part, not the country part. Hence my accent." I ramble.

He nods with each word I say, clearly interested in whatever I'm saying.

He shoots me a white, dimpled grin, he's probably one of the most attractive males I've seen. Other than Adam Levine, of course.

I take a sip of my tea, it's scorching hot. Of course it is, just my luck. Now my tongue's burnt.

"Oh yeah, wait for the tea to cool off. Sorry I forgot to mention that, it's just I'm always serving locals." He laughs, handing me a napkin.

"Thanks," I grin, "wait what am I supposed to do with this?" I ask. "Just put it into your phone. Surely  you have one, right? I mean, doesn't every American?" He winks.

Such a flirt.

I glance down at the napkin, it has digits on it; an abnormal amount of them at that. 

My grin now turns into a full on smile, teeth showing and everything. "What's your name, mysterious food vendor?" I rest my elbow and forearms on the stand, right in front of him.

"Harold Edward Styles. But my friends call me Harry." He flirts back.

"Sounds like a stage name, not your real one." I laugh.

"It's my real one. Although it'll be more like a stage name when I become famous." He glows with  that word. Famous.

I mean, I'm not planning on becoming famous. I just want to be a low dubbed singer/ songwriter.

"A famous food vendor?" I guessed.

"No!" He laughs. His laugh is adorable. Just like his eyes and smile and lips- whoa.

Settle down, Nell, he's probably a senior or above.

"A famous singer. That's why I'm here... and working at this dumb food stand." He answers.

I nod "what grade are you in?" I ask.

Dammit, why do I have to be so straight forward with questions?

"I'm actually a freshman." He sighs happily.

Thank God.

"So am I. Well, I better be going. Don't wanna disappoint my dorm mate without getting her a stupid date." I take another sip of my tea, this time it's a bit cooler.

He giggles softly. "What?" I ask, with a sly grin formed onto my face.

"Nothing. It's just... you rhymed." He blushed.

I chuckle before taking a bite out of my pastry and giving him a small wave.

I turn around to be faced with a line of people. "Good luck!" He shouts, just as I started getting further from his stand.

A small laugh escapes from my lips, how nice for an actual nice boy to flirt with you without asking you for sex.

The smile on my face ceases as I am faced with those jocks again.

Walk past them without showing your face, walk past them without showing your face, walk past- "Hey, Nella." Shit.

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