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Niall. Who is he? A nasty mongrel, that's what he is. But who? I don't know. Some... scumbag we all know in our lives. Although, I fell for him... Once.

I fell for him once.

That kiss was very heated, I admit, but nothing came short of pleasure. No guy had kissed me like that.

His was full of.. How do I put this.. compassion. I have no idea what came over me, or him, in his room, but it was definitely something. 

Something interesting.

Something I'd like to do again. But, sadly, I'm just going to get rid of him completely in my mind. that's the best I can do.

Sighing from these depressing thoughts of what I could do, I kept walking on to the cafeteria- oh wait.

I stopped, sighing again. I don't have money.

I could ask Tessa. But she's at the party.

I could ask Niall- bad idea.

Louis... hell no.

I don't know that kid Liam's number..

But I do have Harry's number. I could always call him and tell him about what happened. Better not.

Well, I'm fucked.

Well... I guess I should just try Harry.

I hastily pull out the wrinkled napkin from my dress, dialing his number fast.

I put the chilled phone up to my face, creating even more goosebumps. "YEAH!" A few guys scream from the bonfire.

"Hello?" Oh thank Jesus.

"Harry? It's me." I reply.

"Me? Who's me?" He chuckles.

"Nice try, Harry. It's me, Nella." I answer, smirking a bit.

I hear him breathe into the phone and it immediately brings me back to the food stand and his minty breath.

And that only happened several hours ago.

Shit. That fight also broke out several hours ago.

One thing after another.

I can't tell Harry, no matter what.

"What's going on? Aren't you at that party?" Harry asked.

I nodded sorrowfully. But I know he can't see me.

"Ah, are you pissed?" He asked.

I shook my head, confused.

"Pissed means drunk, I forgot you're American." I could just imagine his little grin right now,

I laughed then shook my head.

"Well, you're obviously upset. Just take deep breaths."

He consoled. I shook my head.

"Do it, Nella." He demanded. 

How is he even seeing all of this?

"Where are you?" I hesitated.

I heard him release a deep chuckle and a knock on a window.

I scan the area and look to the Wing right next to me. He's on the... 1,2,3,4,5. 5th floor.

I smiled and covered up my face from laughing.

"I'll be down in a second, love." again with the love.

He hung up and my phone made a little beeping noise. Low battery. 

And I thought Samsung's had excellent battery life. Well, you always learn something new.

I heard a heavy door open and a tall man walk over to me with glorious glasses. Harry. Thank God!

"What's up?" He glares at my messy hair, smudged makeup, and short dress, taking it all in.

"Nothing.." I mumbled.

My stomach growled which took over the subject. He sighs heavily, annoyed at the fact that I might have been with a disaster.

"Are you hungry? Are you even okay?" He asked quietly.

I nodded while I pushed my hair out of my face. No, I'm not. Can't you see that?

He pulled out his wallet and handed me money as quickly as he could.

"No, I can't take that." I shoved his hand away with the money.

"I insist. You need it." He pushed out his hand again.

I denied.

"No." I stated firmly.

He shook his head, ruffling some curls stuck away in his beanie and behind his glasses. I have to admit, he looks pretty sexy right now. With his baggy sweatpants and a t-shirt, he couldn't look any better.

He noticed me staring at him and he took this opportunity to open my delicate, but strong, hands and slip the money in them.

"I'm not taking your money!" I almost yelled.

I mentally covered my mouth. But I stayed strong on the outside.

He looked into my eyes, obviously hiding something. I'm not going to get involved.

He looked at the ground, shuffling his feet before saying: "I'll just go with you. That way you won't yell at me when you get something." He tried hiding his smirk.

Despite me thinking about how to say no... I had to agree.

"... fine." I mumbled, walking towards him and looping my arm around his and dragging his ass up to the damn cafeteria.

Once we got here, he immediately ordered some British beverage and I ordered a pretzel. I've been craving this for awhile.

We ate, sat down, laughed, and chatted for a bit. I had to admit, this was pretty fun. Although, I wouldn't mind pinning him up against a wall right now.

Author: Yay, the first day is finished! Now, I know it was long, but everyday won't be like this; long and choppy. I was just kind of filling in some important parts (and relationships) about the main character and plot. Hopefully this built up some tension for later on...

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