Perks of Being Perched

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Author: I'm obviously horrible at British slang... sorry if I mess up some. It's just because I'm American

Harry took my tea and slyly threw it in a trash can just outside of a bathroom down the hall from my room.

"There we go, less baggage!" He chuckled. "Less baggage for what?" I asked, taking a still bite out of my strawberry pastry that looks an awful lot like a toaster strudel.

"I don't really know..." He trailed off, looking down the hall where there was some debate going on.

I over heard even more, definitely something stupid.

"Where's my bag?!" A lady yelled at another one.

Must be roommates or something.

"You said I could borrow it... plus the woman said I could keep it.." The other responded.

The first girl sighed deeply and opened her mouth to say something, but closed it immediately when she caught a glance of us walking down the hall.

"Don't say anything else, that's Niall's girl." She replied.

I got another uneasy feeling, in which caused me to cough.

"You okay?" Harry asked, concerned.

I nodded, he obviously didn't hear what she said.

"Hi! You're... Nella, right?" an overly excited British girl said.

"uh yeah, why?" I ask.

She laughs to her friend and turns to Harry. "Who are you?" The other asked, teasingly.

Harry ignored her and leaned into my ear "let's just go back to your room, I have a bad feeling about them" he muttered.

I shrugged then nodded, they seem like complete psychopaths. 

We started walking to my room, which was only five doors down from here.

"where are you guys going?" one asked.

"we're going to my room, I've gotta get some decorating done... And this jetlag! Wow,I need to sleep." I dramatically answered.

The first part wasn't true, but the second one was.

It feels like I have a hangover, but I wouldn't know; I don't drink.

"oh, alright! Jesus, Penny you scared her away!" The other one replied. Won't they just shut up.

I brought out my key card thingy and slid it into the machine by the door, making a very weird beeping sound.

"Well, aren't ya going to go in?" Harry laughed at my sudden staring session with the door... 

Stupid deperso- "Heels! I love your heels!" A woman comes over.

I roll my eyes and face her, she's one of those girls from the hall. What does she want now?

"oh, uh, thanks. I guess" I thank her. 

she smiles quirkily, holding out her hand for me to grab. "I'm Georgia. And that over there is my roommate, and step sister of 2 years, Penny."

I nod to Penny and take in her gorgeous big, green eyes. How I wish I had big eyes. 

I mean,I guess mine are kinda big?

I shake Georgia's hand and open my door to reveal a big mess on my floor.

What the fuck?

"you weren't kidding about a messy room." Harry chuckled.

Who did this? I was sure that my room was clean- no, I'm positive that it was!

"Oh hey Nella and... Harry?" Tessa stands up from her crouching position by the bathroom.

"Hey, Tess." Harry replies quietly.

She smiles and looks over at Georgia and Penny who are standing right next to us.

"Who are they?" Tessa asks suspiciously.

"They're not important. Did you make this mess?" I ask in a hurry.

She shakes her head while she continues to pick up my clothing from the floor.

"Nice bra." Harry whispers in my ear at the neon pink lace bra that Tessa's putting away in my dresser. Could anything get any worse?

"Oh yeah, sorry about the mess, Nella." a woman, no older than 19, stepped into the room, creating a complete awkward atmosphere.

"Who are you?" i snap.

She laughs "Wren, don't you remember?"


Oh yeah, that bitch. What was she doing in my room?

"What were you doing in here?" Georgia bites.

Wren steps back a little, taken aback a bit at what Georgia said.

"I was just helping Tess here with finding clothes. She said she didn't have any so I helped. Hope you don't mind it, Nella, but I'm going to wear this tonight." She holds up a sparkly, red and black dress that got specially made for some popstar. Don't ask how I got it.

"Actually, I do have a problem with that.. You can go away now, I'll help Tessa." I walk over to her and snatch the red and black dress from her firm grip.

We have an intense staring session until she throws a hand ot my face. Luckily, me being the smartest in fighting techniques, I back away before she could even lay a finger on me.

"Alright!" Harry steamed. "I think it's time for you to go. Now."

She winked at him and gave me a look, a look that said 'we're not done'. Which is quite obvious considering I'm always looking for revenge.

Author: Sorry for late update, I've been having a lot of schoolwork (not so fun). Like I said in that status update, I always update on Friday's.

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