vous êtes dans amour

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vous êtes dans amour 

Michael is tired. He is exhausted, he is hungry, he is late. 

It’s ten minutes before midnight and Luke sits at the black wooden desk typing in his computer journal about how angry he is at his boyfriend. This is the third night in a row he’s come home late and a cloud is following the lanky blonde around. 

Michael rests his head against the steering wheel as he pulls into the parking space outside. He reaches over to turn off the ignition as the outside world falls silent once more. The night sky is dark and so is his mind. 

Luke closes his computer as he plugs it in. His fuzzy blue socks are swiping against their floors as he heads upstairs. He doesn’t want to go to bed yet, he wants to see Michael. Usually, Luke will wake up in the middle of the night when his boyfriend crawls onto the left side of the bed. And, sure, it’s good to know he made it home safely, but Luke misses talking to Mike and eating dinner with him. He misses making stupid comments and going on stupid adventures. He misses being screwed into the sheets and seeing the infamous red marks on Michael’s back the following day. 

Michael unlocked the front door. He dumped his bag on the counter, placing his grey beanie on top. He slid off his jacket, laying it over a kitchen chair. He knew the second he was up in that bedroom he’d pass out.

Mike kicked off his shoes, placing them neatly next to Luke’s pair of Converse. All the blonde boy wears is Converse and Sperry’s. It’s little ridiculous.

He made sure their front door was locked before turning off the kitchen light and heading upstairs. He was watching his feet glide up the stairs as he brushed his hair out of his face. 

His eyes met bright blue ones when he reached the top. “Baby, why are you awake? You have work tomorrow morning.”

 “So do you.”

Michael sighed, he could sense the pissed-off persona Luke was spitting out on him. “I know I’m late, I’m sorry. Their was this reporter who kept fucking up and I had to deal with it.”

“Michael, I miss you.”

The bleached blonde closed his eyes, completely and utterly not in the mood to deal with his boyfriend. He slumped over to the couch, sitting with one leg under the other. “I know you do, I miss you too. Work is hard, I’m high up, I have to deal with things. I’m not allowed to just leave.”

Luke could see the dark bags collecting under Michael’s eyes, he looked miserable and he didn’t know why. “I love you so much, I want to marry you, I want to start a family with you. I want you home.”

Michael closed his eyes, his headache surrounding his entire brain. “You know I love you too. I’m not ready to get married again, Luke. I don’t want to have kids yet, either. Just, please, wait for me to catch up.”

Luke sighed, “We’re getting old, I don’t want to be so miserable. I don’t want you to be miserable either.”

“I don’t want you to be upset, but this is out of my control.” Michael’s heart did indeed break one million times as he remembers saying those exact words to his ex-wife. No, no, no no. Luke will never be her. Luke is something special. Luke is the one. Luke is his everything. 

Luke watched Michael’s pupils increase as his breathing picked up. “Are you okay?”

“Don’t leave me. Please, I love you too much,” Michael said, his breath shaking.

Luke stood up on his knees, collapsing his body into Luke’s arms. He whispered apologies into Mike’s ear, kissing his neck over and over again. He left many kisses all around his face, not wanting the older man to start crying. 

Luke hasn’t seen Michael cry and he doesn’t ever want to. 

(a/n) new story coming out maybe tonight 

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