1. Referencing Twilight [N]

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C H A P T E R   O N E -  Noah Rivers


"Where is she?! She's taking forever!" Alec groaned, rolling over into his stomach and burying his face into his pillow.

"Can't we just start without her?" Hunter suggested, fumbling around with the remote.

"Of course we can't you twit. She'll kill us if we do." Alec moaned, his annoying cries muffled by his bedding.

Hunter rolled his gray eyes at me before throwing the remote at Alec's dirty blonde head, narrowly missing by two inches, "Well stop bitching then. God, what does she even see in you? You're one mood swing away from turning Robin into a lesbian." We snickered as Alec tossed the remote at Hunter's face, along with a salute from the middle of his left hand. I chuckled as they carried on bickering over stupid matters that didn't interest me in any shape or form.

I turned to look out the window instead.

We all lived in a small town on the very edge of California called Crayton where everybody grew up together and knew just about everyone in town. Where all the moms gossiped and the dads earned the money whilst the kids played in the street (or in our case playing videogames). It was fairly peaceful, a few problems here and there but nothing too big, everybody was pretty nice. Well, nice enough anyway.

The place only consisted of two schools: Crayton High and Crayton Junior High (a merged middle and elementary schools), a small theatre, a coffee shop, a couple diners and about five different stores. There was also a small church on the edge of town that nobody ever went to unless there was a wedding or special occasion of some sort. And the only mall was about a forty-five minute drive away in the next town over. That didn't stop most of the high schoolers from going to it of course, since it was our only source of entertainment. I couldn't blame them because to put it simply, Crayton was the kind of town that you'd think never existed unless you lived there: but I liked it.


A voice snapped me back to reality.

"Dude I called you about five times. You have to cut down on the spacing out dude. You're seventeen, not seventy." Hunter sighed, shaking his head.

I smiled sheepishly, "Sorry, what did you want to ask me?"

"You live next to Robin; don't you know where she is?"

"Uh, no. I came here straight from the diner. Mom made all of us work this morning," I slouched further into the couch and stretched my legs.

"Ugh, I swear. When I see that girl she's goi-"

"Don't threaten my gir-"

"I'VE ARRIVED!" Alec's warning was interrupted by a high-pitched singing voice that made us all wince, followed by heavy footsteps rapidly banging up the stairs.

The bedroom door flung open revealing a slightly flushed Robin in shorts and a tank top with a plaid shirt on top with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows.

"There you are! God you took so long! Seriously what was the ho-" Hunter began.

"Sorry! I was busy showing Clare around. I thought I texted you guys? No? Must've forgotten. Oh well," Robin shrugged, kicking off her Chucks and placing them outside the door.

"Who's Clare?" Hunter chimed, a confused expression on his face that both Alec and I probably mirrored.


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