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This is what happened to Miguel when he got pushed down the stairs in that fight at school but pretend it happened to y/n

*y/n was in the hospital after getting pushed down the stairs during a school karate fight when hawk came to visit*

Y/n: hey babe
Hawk: hey
*they kissed*
Hawk: how u feeling baby
Y/n: okay at least I'm awake
Hawk: yep *chuckled*
*they talked for a while before visiting times were done and it was finally time for hawk to go*
Hawk: "Bye babe"
Y/n: byee

Hawks POV:

*i walked out when I came face to face with Samantha*

Sam: hey did y/n tell u she might not be able to walk again ?
Hawk: what no she didn't
Sam: oh shit

Why didn't she tell me?
Does she not trust me ?
Did I do something?

No ones pov :

The next day

*he came to visit but this time he was mad*

Y/n: hey baby *y/n said with a smile *
Hawk:don't hey baby me
*y/n's smile immediately dropped *
Y/n: is everything okay ?
Hawk: so u didn't think to tell me u might not be able to walk again
Y/n: oh- babe listen I didn't know how to tell u. I was scared how u would react I didn't want u to feel bad for me
Hawk: What do u mean u didn't know how to tell me I don't want to hear these bullshit excuse all right *hawk said with his teeth gritted*
Hawk: I'm leaving
Y/n: babe please

*but it was too late he already left*

*y/n slammed her head on the pillow groaning In frustration*

A week later

Y/n pov:
*hawk hasn't been coming to visit at all or leaving a text I'm worried I messed up bad*
*just as if he read my mind he appeared at the hospital door with chocolates*

Hawk: hey Y/n
Y/n: oh hey * i said lowering my head*
Hawk: look I'm sorry I overreacted I just really care about u and I was worried about u I wasn't sure if u were going to be okay and I just jumped I'm sorry.

Y/n: Yh u did overreact but it's fine it's not just ur fault I should've told u instead of making u wait

Hawk: I love you

*butterfly's entered my stomach I wasn't sure how to react this was hawks first time saying I love you*

Y/n: I love you :)

*I saw his face relax*

Y/n: worried I wasn't going to say it back ? *I chuckled *

Hawk: maybe *he chuckled back*

Y/n: come here *I held my arms out for him and made space in the hospital then we just watched Rick and morty.


This was my first imagine so please don't judge 😭❤️

Word count: 480 words 😤🤍

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