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Hey Faye "
"Yeah dad" Faye replied
"We're going to see la queso"
"Faye just for a meeting come on"
"Ugh but don't expect me to be nice " Faye said

*they hopped in their dads car and drove of*

"Here they are " mr Lawrence replied (leader of the rival gang)

" sup now what do u want". Fayes dad replied
" money"
" Wdym MONEY"
"For the weapons ur promised " mr Lawrence replied 

*mr LaRusso scoffed *

"Hawk get ur ass down here boy" mr Lawrence shouted
"Ugh not hawk" I whispered so no one heard

*Hawk is mr Lawrence's son annoying brat thinking every girl wants him *

"Yh dad"
"Say hi ig"
"Oh hi? Mr larusso"
"Sup kid"
"Hey Faye" hawk said flirtatiously
"Ugh hi hawk " I replied back showing I'm not interested
"Go up to ur room we need to go out fight " mr Lawrence said
" why can't we come with" hawk suggested
"It's too dangerous kid"my dad replied
"Fine" hawk said
"And it's on a ship " Lawrence said
"Alr bye kids
" bye " me and hawk said in sync
"Sooo..."I said awkwardly
"Soo" hawk replied back
"I want to go home" I said bored
"Awww alreadyyy🥺 (sarcasm) miss Larruso
"Shut up hawk
*hawk laughed under his breath *

*24 hours later*

I woke up as I fell asleep on the couch I got up and looked for my dad but he still wasn't here Then I saw I got a text from him

Hey faye
I just wanted to let u know I love u
I'm on Peru ship rn
I might not make it
Please take over if I don't
I love you ❤️

What dad
I'm coming rn
Hold on
What's going on

Panic entered my body as I read those texts I didn't even realise I was crying.just then hawk came down

"What's wrong"
"What nothing" I turned away wiping my tears
"Yea no I'm not going to believe that I just saw u crying" hawk said sarcastically
*I showed him the texts *
Hawks face softened
"Let's go now"

*we got in hawks car and drove of*

*Dad I ran to where the ship was*

Just then I saw the ship explode
I froze
Feeling like I just lost everything
Hawk  caught up behind me and caught me as I fell into his arms bursting into tears

"It'll be okay" hawk reassured me
"No no he's dead" I shouted at him

Just then mr Lawrence came

"I'm sorry Faye ur going to say with us for now" mr Lawrence said

*we got there*

"So am I a part Of la queso now or what?" I said to break the silence

"Um we'll see" mr Lawrence said

"Okay" I said sadly

*2 weeks later *

*I was spending time at the Lawrence house it wasn't the worst thing but it could be better *

"Kids I'm going shopping"

" I'm going bed" I said
"Okay" hawk replied
"Wow" I said
"Huh?" Hawk said
" u don't care" i said
"No? Am I supposed to?" Hawk said confused at to what's going on
"Nope normally ur just bossy " I said proudly
" me bossy ?"
" yep is that not what I said ?" I said
" watch it" hawk said getting closer
" make me" I said getting even more close

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