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*it was karate class and Sensai Lawrence was making fun of this kids lip

Lawrence:look even lips tougher than those guys *he said pointing to Eli*

Lawrence: he's no quitter

Eli : could u please not call me that ?

Lawrence: excuse me, what?

Eli: could you please not call me that

Miguel: um, I'll warm 'em up, sensei.

Lawrence: no, lip has something he wants to say. I

Lawrence: sorry , speak up, lip. Or is your tongue messed up too?

Lawrence: Are you one of those challenged kids?

Eli: Um, the doctor said I could be on the spectrum

Lawrence: I don't know what that is,but get it off pronto. All right ?

Lawrence: if you don't want me to call you "lip",then don't have a weird lip.

Lawrence: can't you get surgery?

Eli: I was born with a cleft lip, this is the scar from the surgery.

Lawrence: you mean it was worse before that? or did the doctor just screw it up?.

Lawrence:because if this is the after photo, that sucks, man. You should sue.

Eli: can we just please change the topic?

Lawrence: you don't think I want to? It's right in front of me.

Lawrence: you wanna be something more than a nerd with a scar on his lip you gotta flip the script

Lawrence: get a face tattoo or something we'll call you "patch". All right? Actually no don't do that you'll still look like a freak

*before Lawrence could say anything else Eli walked of*

*y/n ran after him*


*eli was crying*
*y/n sat down and wrapped her arms around him*

Y/n : By the way I know what Sensai Lawrence says hurts he really doesn't think before he speaks and says really insensitive things not realising he's hurting people but I promise he is a nice man and he's doing this for u because in karate u need to handle criticism he's doing it for u to defend yourself and protect yourself from the real world it's tough love Eli u just need to go with it but don't worry he doesn't mean it, plus I think your scar is really cool

Eli: really ?

Y/n: yea..
And to make u feel better

Y/n pulled up her shirt and showed her scar from when she got stabbed*

Eli: wow what happened

Y/n : it was a karate lesson I had to fight some douche bag and he thought it was okay to Bring a knife and I'm guessing u know what happened *she chuckled*

Eli: yea *he chuckled

Eli: thanks by the way u Made me feel a lot better

Y/n: of course soo are you ready to become a badass or what

Eli : let's go kick some ass

Y/n: that's the spirit

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