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Kyler: who would ever date a guy like u

*kyler said holding Eli up against the wall*

Kyler:ay look at this dude ur nothing but a loser and a freak and a guy with a weird fucked up lip you'll never be anything to anyone what girl would want to kiss this shit *he said pointing to Eli's lips*

Just then before Kyler could say anything Y/n pushed him and kissed Eli all u could hear were ooos and ewws From the crowd when u pulled away u whispered in his ear "I really like ur scar it's cute"

*Eli blushed*

Y/n: U guys are a bunch of children. Imagine making fun of this kid so what he has facial deformity it's not like it's something he can control but that's not the only thing about him there's a lot more to him plus he's an amazing kisser you know I know all of u have scars or cuts somewhere no ones perfect none of u just grow up already especially u * she said walking up close to kyler and grabbing his shirt with her jaw clenched* u think ur so funny huh ur nowhere near perfect ur just a stuck up pathetic jerk who thinks he could take advantage of any girl he wants * she said through gritted teeth* *then he pushed her and a whole fight broke out Y/n ended up using her karate moves and won the fight she scoffed " asshole" *kyler was laying there catching his breath * "Y/n Y/s/n to the principles office immediately" she rolled her eyes and before she left she winked at Eli and gave him her number*

Miguel: omg dude good job u got the girl of ur dreams number

Eli: woah yea yea I did *eli was in shock*

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