27. Iwaoi; Secret

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(Aya's Pov)

"Ok, so you're doing Iwaoi now, right?" Cassy asked. "Uh, so what are you planning?"

I shrugged. "I don't know, actually. They're so painfully obvious it's hard to believe that they're not an item." [They totally are though]

Cassy looked doubtful. "It's not that bad, right?"

I sent a pointed look to their table. Oikawa was being Oikawa as usual, leaning on Iwaizumi while chatting with Bokuto, completely oblivious to the fact Iwa was eating with one hand to make sure he doesn't fall over in his precarious position.

Cassy snorted. "Nevermind, they're obvious as hell." 

The people around them seem to think so too, especially Akaashi. After all, Akaashi probably had to put up with the sexual tension as long as they shared a room.

"How... Just how... " Shirabu gaped at the pair on the table to my right. 

Suna snorted. "Like you were any better." Shirabu sent him a glare. I smiled and walked over with Cassy. 

"Hey can you walk?" I asked. Cassy nearly spat out the mouthful of orange juice. Shirabu winced. 

"Nope." He replied. I looked at Semi, who shrugged with an air of oops-I'm-not-sorry.

"Aya!" Cassy was laughing. "You don't just go up to someone and ask if they can walk! That's not how it works!" I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah whatever. I was being straightfoward." I walked back to our table, an amused Cassy behind. "Now, how are we going to get Iwaoi together?" 

Cassy looked excited. "We?" I nodded. "Ok, so." She looked lost in thought. "Who will be willing to help?" 

I laughed. "Probably all of them. The important part is keeping it secret. Their relationship is that way beacause they don't open up. If we keep the fact it's about them secret though, they'd keep their guard down."

Cassy furrowed her brow. "Yeah I didn't get any of that but alright." She looked deep in thought for a moment. "Uhh, we could get Akaashi and Bokuto to help since they're in the same room."

I thought about it too. "We could get the salties again. They seem to be pretty good at this stuff, being smart and all."

"Don't forget me!" Lev said, magically appearing with Yaku. "I don't really know these people but we can help!" 

Aya tried to tell him he was talking too loud. Too late.

"Ohoho?" Kuroo walked over with Kenma. "What is this?" Cassy glared at him.

And before you know it, half the room was there. Kuroo, Kenma, Lev, Yaku, Tendo, Osamu, Atsumu, Sakusa, Suna, Akaashi, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, and a Semi carrying Shirabu.

I sighed. Lev grinned at me apologetically. "Legit, you guys act like tea is your whole life. Can't there be a ship I got together without anyone else's help?" They shook their heads silently, a mutual agreement.

"This is my job, you know." I continued, grumbling. "Y'all are so annoying."

"You love us." Atsumu shrugged. I stared him down.

"You sure about that?" He shook his head and attempted to hide behind 'Omi-kun', who, interestingly, didn't seem to mind...


"Welp[ yes I say that don't judge :) ], any of you have good ideas?" I asked. They looked confused. 

"Who are we getting together?" Osamu asked. 

"Iwaoi." Cassy said, moving onto a chocolate smoothie after the orange juice. "These drinks are good."

"Uh, who's that?" Suna asked. Tsukishima pointed. "Oh, right. The childhood best friends who are obvious as hell." I nearly laughed at the unconcious quote from Cassy.

"He'd get on well with Vio." Cassy pointed out to me. I nodded in agreement.

(WHO IS VIO... Read my other book)

(cough *self promoting here* cough)

"Who...?" Suna questioned. "Nevermind..."

"I have one." Yamaguchi offered. I smiled at him. 

"Sure! Go ahead." 

Yamaguchi took a deep breath. Then he turned around to Tsukishima and kissed him.

Cassy and I reached into our pockets at the same time and grabbed our phones, while the rest of them people stood there gaping.

"I see why you asked for permission to take photos now." Cassy murmured as she took several hundred pictures. "How did you pull off that nice trick?"

I grinned, taking equally as many photos. "Just a little pastime of mine."

After Yamaguchi pulled away and left Tsukki standing there, dumbfounded and a blushing mess, he continued like nothing happened. [I love you Yama

"If we could somehow find a way to convince one of them to do that, makes things a lot easier." He looked around at the crowd of extremely surprised people. "What?"

I nodded in agreement. 

"What happened here?" Came a surprised voice. "Hey, you guys okay?" Everyone shook their heads no at Hinata, who was holding onto Kageyama's hand. "Uhh, ok then!"

I laughed. These people, gotta admit, are extremely cute. But for now, Iwaoi is top priority.

Just then Iwaizumi started walking towards me.

HUH. Interesting. I signaled for the crowd to *disperse*

(A/N) Is that how you spell it?

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