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⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆𝚒 𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞. 𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚐𝚊𝚒𝚗⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆

(3rd Person)

The thing that no one tells you about being kidnapped is how quickly bored you get. After a few days, they've exhausted all possible methods of escape, explored their room down into the centimetres, and played Uno more times than the digits of pi.

After maybe the trillionth time Kageyama and Hinata broke into an argument, Aya finally took pity on them. Her voice came over the intercom (which no one has been able to find), mildly amused. "I'll start the entertaining program a little early since some people have been getting restless."

The door unlocks with a click, causing them all to freeze. They look at each other, Kageyama still holding Hinata's shirt.

Suddenly Hinata was all too aware of the feel of Kageyama's setter fingers, light against his collarbone.


"You guys gonna keep staring at each other or are we going?" Tsukishima yawned. Kageyama quickly let go and looked away, his face unreadable.

Aya was waiting in the hall again, the tables and chairs gone. She was sitting on the floor, cross-legged, staring hard at her phone. At the sound of multiple ding!s she looked up with a grin, the screen going dark. "If it isn't my favourite victims."

"I don't like the sound of that." Yamaguchi shivers.

"Contrary to popular belief," Aya said when she had all their attention. "This building is not limited the hall and your rooms. There are many more to be discovered. And now, allow me to be your tour guide."

She stood up and gave a little bow, before pressing something on her phone. A door opened in the wall of the hall, revolving open with no sound at all. Someone whistles, low and impressed.

The space beyond was wide and open, artfully designed in splashes of red and blue. Multiple couches leaned against the wall, and at the far end was a sliding door leading out into a lawn, complete with a pool.

"Damn." Was the general reaction.

"The Social Room." Aya said. She walked to the bar and poured herself some golden liquid from a bottle, before sitting down on the rug in the middle of the room, dotted with cushions and bean bags. "Have a seat." Then she grinned, all teeth.

"How do we feel about a round of truth or dare?"


That's how Hinata finds himself in Kageyama's lap.

Don't think. He tells himself, but the warmth behind his back is making that really difficult. He cursed Tsukishima in his head and ignored his burning cheeks.

"Sakusa, truth or dare." Semi pointed an empty beer bottle at said person.

"Truth." He said.

"Find anyone cute in this room?"

He paused a beat too long. "No."

"Liar." Aya said, pouring more alcohol into Hinata's cup with a knowing glance.

"Kageyama, truth or dare."


Hinata couldn't help it. He shivered. Kageyama's voice was a lot closer than he expected. And since they were half a centimetre apart, he felt the gentle vibrations of Kageyama's voice as if they were his own.

"Two shots of tequila for you." Sakusa said, eyes calm, voice calmer.

Hinata felt Kageyama sigh, the air gently rolling over the back of his neck. He shivered again.

Aya stood up. "I like where this is going." She poured two glasses of golden liquid and handed them to Kageyama, who downed both with barely any effort.

"Have you had practice, Kageyama-kun?" Yamaguchi asked with wide eyed shock. Two shots of tequila was no joke, at least for him.

"A little." Kageyama admitted. "My sister drags me to nightclubs."

Huh. Hinata hasn't heard this story before. "Is it fun? I haven't been to many, only ones that Nishinoya-san and Tanaka-san takes me to, but then most of the time they just leave me outside with their car."

"It's alright." Kageyama said. "We can go sometime, if you want."

Hinata liked the idea of going to a nightclub with Kageyama. "After we escape!"

The conversation had flowed around them like alcohol had flowed into their stomaches. Everyone was loosening up and knew more about each other. Good thing? Or bad thing?

There was Aya, who had masterfully deflected most personal questions with vague answers that ended in story telling of something that was hilarious but never important. Then there were the obvious ones, who pined after their crush with a sort of resignedness. Atsumu and Oikawa, for example.

There was also the 'I'll play nice as long as you don't talk about my feelings' crew, and the 'I really don't want to be here' club.

And then there was Bokuto, who was a category all by himself. The guy had droned on and on and on without seemingly losing any energy, still as hyper as his hairstyle suggested.

"Why don't we ---" He started now. "--- tell the story of how we got kidnapped?"

"Bokuto-san." This was Akaashi, who is trying so desperately to keep the calm that he was a chaotic being himself. "Maybe not the best topic ever ----"

"I think that's a great idea." Aya said. "After all, hearing my success stories are a hobby of mine."

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