36. Bokuaka; Break

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This book is so fluffy it's borderlining cringy.

*adds more angst*

(3rd Person Pov)

"So what is it?" Irene was straight to the point. 

"I don't know why I'm here, actually." Akaashi admitted. "I don't think I would be much help around the kitchen."

Irene shrugged. "Cooking is fun though. Wanna learn how to make pancakes?"


(another perspective)

Aya set the tables, pushed in the chairs, and went to sit at her usual seat. It was now time to think about Bokuaka. What was the main problem?

She picked up her phone and wondered whether it would be a good idea to call Vio. 

... Probably not.

She took out a notebook and wrote something in it, then put it away again in some hidden compartment in her pocket.

(another perspective)

(this one is kinda like an author-pov thing)

Roaming around the hotel, you would find that all is not what it seems. 

The boys are sharing their dorms on the second floor. This floor is mostly corridors, doors, random bathrooms scattered around, and what you could call Aya's secret tunnels. 

At the moment, no one is awake on this floor except for Kenma, who probably stayed up all night to play video games. Also, he likes watching Kuroo sleep.

That's not creepy, right?

The first floor is where they have their breakfast. At the moment, Iwaizumi and Oikawa are already up and about here, not surprised that Aya was there first. 

Iwa and Kawa have early morning routines, from childhood times when Oikawa would wake up earlier than his parents to practice his setting.

Iwaizumi was usually dragged along for spiking practice, and after a while he decided that he would like to keep an eye on Kawa anyways.

The hall took up most of the space, with a stage at the end of the large room, opposite the entrance doors. 

The entrance was rather grand, with a golden door frame and double oak doors, richly furnished and draped with fancy curtain-like nets to stop the insects coming in during Summers.

The volleyball courts and the swimming pool are up on the third floor, where everything was usually bathed in a warm, sometimes annoying but mostly nice, golden light. 

This floor is where volleyball idiots like Atsumu, Kageyama, and Hinata frequent. Yells of 'BAKAGEYAMA!' and 'GIVE IT TO ME!' are thankfully blocked by the soundproof walls, and the windows in the roof made it a beautiful place to be, especially at night.

However, the morning was too young for them to be up yet.

Of course, most of us would have wondered by now. What sort of method did Aya use to get 20 boys to come to a hotel? And one that threatened that they knew your crushes, too.

Well, it all began like this:

Aya was quite famous in her school. As a not-quite-straight A student, she was pardoned from most detentions and most PE sessions. There was also a rumour going around saying that she was the granddaughter of the principal, but that probably wasn't true. 

Even so, when Aya invites you to a party, you do not refuse. The party turned out not to be a party at all, but some sort of survey, for an experiment. 

All of them had to answer questions like 'do you have a crush on someone?' and 'Is said person currently sitting in this room?'

Also 'Are you willing to participate in psychological study, if it meant getting together with them?'

Of course the answers to all of those questions is 'yes'.

And that was the end to that.

(3rd Person Pov)

Akaashi flipped the pancake, his face a mask of concentration. Irene stood by, watching carefully just in case he managed to flip it onto the floor like Aya did. Or maybe flipped it onto the ceiling like Vio did. You never know.

It landed with a gentle plop back into the pan, perfectly done. Irene clapped.

Akaashi had a small smile on his face. "It is fun."

"Of course it's fun if you get it on the first try." Aya had her head around the door, looking amazed and jealous at the same time. "My first pancake failed so miserably Irene banned me from entering her kitchen."

Irene rolled her eyes. "No. That was because you poured all of my salt into my sugar because you thought it would 'save space'."

Aya waved a hand airily. "That was Cassy." She gave Irene a look. "Actually, I should probably go wake her now." 

Irene stiffened. "She's here?" 

Aya nodded. 

Akaashi looked from one of them to the other. Some unspoken conversation seemed to be going on. Should he be concerned? Both of them looked tense. What had he gotten himself into? Seriously, maybe he should just ---

"Akaashi, mind taking those plates for me?" Aya asked quietly. "I need to talk to Irene."

Akaashi picked up the plates, glad to have something to do, and set off along the tunnel again. Aya waited till the closing thud of the other door could be heard. Then she closed this one.

"Cassy was here for how long?" Irene leaned her elbow onto the marble countertop. 

"3 or 4 days." Aya replied.

"And you just decided not to tell me?" Irene pulled at her bun, letting her long hair fall out. (for those of you confused, idk why I described her with shoulder-length hair. just ignore that bit)

"Yup!" Aya replied cheerfully. "I don't think she knows you're here either, with you always staying in the kitchen."

"You're so manipulative when you want to be."

Aya's smile didn't waver. "You should expect that from someone that studies sociology." Now she let her smile fall. "I don't want to hurt either of you."

"I know." Irene sighed. "But things don't always go the way you want."

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