Chapter 2, Sokka The Fire Nation Prisoner,

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Sokka opened his eyes to his arms and feet in chains attached to a stone wall in one of the ship's dungeon cells. He knew this was'nt going to end good. He was still in his bloody coat and no one seemed to treat his wound. Sokka just sat on the cold stone floor of the cell, shivering and covered in blood. That is, until the cell door creaked open. Sokka looked up to see Zuko.

"My uncle suggested that we should at least clean your wound and get you warmer so you wont get sick or infected, so my guards will take you to a bath first down the hall." Zuko said firmly. Sokka yelled out, "I wouldn't be caught dead doing anything in this ship besides kicking your ass!"

"Would you rather get infected and DIE!?" Zuko yelled back. Sokka didn't say anything. "That's what I thought. Get the peasant and escort him to the bath, then uncle will disinfect the wound." The guards that were hidden behind Zuko's ravishing red armor emerged and unchained Sokka. They escorted him to a room with a bath so Sokka got clean. Then, he was escorted to Zuko's room. The guards basically pushed Sokka in the room and left, slamming the door, scaring Sokka a little. Zuko had a bright red kimono on with flame details at the bottom. He also had his hair up in its signature black ponytail that Sokka couldn't see earlier from under his helmet, along with a red ribbon. Sokka was only wearing his maroon shorts and his choker made of bones, freezing with his hair now down, dripping water all onto the floor. Zuko saw that Sokka was cold just standing there.

"Come over here." Zuko ordered while picking up a cotton swab and dabbing disinfectant onto it. "There's candles lit, it's warm." Zuko looked up at Sokka with a blank stare. Sokka saw this, fearing he was mad, and bolted to where Zuko was. He sat down across from him. Zuko arranged some bandages and gauze on the floor while Sokka looked around his room from where he was sitting. It was dark and red in color everywhere. There were flags and weapons on the walls. The only light source in the room was the lantern by Zuko's bed, and the candles that were lit around them.

"Come closer." Zuko said softly, while still using a firm tone. "I need to take care of your wound." Sokka looked at Zuko confused.

"I thought you said your uncle was going to help me with that." Sokka explained.

"Well, I caused the harm so...uncle says I should help you instead." Zuko then moved closer himself and moved Sokka's arm to clean the wound he had caused on his side. "This might sting so just be prepared." Zuko said as he began to clean Sokka's wound. It did sting like hell, but that wasn't really what Sokka was concerned about at that moment. "Sorry...for uh, attacking your village." Zuko said quietly as he continued to softley clean the wound on Sokka's side.

"Why are you apologizing? I thought you were never sorry for anything." answered Sokka, frowning.

"Well, I...I guess I should apologize to your village, but I hurt you so...I'm apologizing for that too. I didn't even want to hurt you."

"You expect me to believe that?" Sokka said, rolling his eyes.

"Fine!" Zuko snapped, throwing down the cotton ball and scooting back to his spot. "I attacked and captured you because...well..."

"Just spit it out, Zuko!" Sokka yelled back, irritated.

"I captured you, and only you because...I've had my eye on you for a while. I came across your village on my route back home and found it a perfect opportunity to strike. Knowing how stupid you are, I was even more thrilled to hear that you accepted my sword fighting duel. Knowing that I could easily beat you. I took that as the opportunity to capture you."

"But why!" Sokka yelled. "I didn't steal or take anything from you or the fire nation! I didn't do anything!"

"I didn't capture you for anything you might have done!" Zuko yelled. He then got quieter. "I captured you because...I wanted to...I wanted to ask go on a date...with me." Sokka was shocked. No, that was an understatement. Sokka was DOWN-RIGHT CONFUSED.

"A DATE!?" Sokka explained. "You wanted to ask me on a date, so you challenge me to a duel, slice my side open, and capture me!?"

"I know, I know. And I'm sorry. I just...didn't know how to say it...There's this festival going on in the fire nation kingdom, which is, where we are actually and, I was wondering if you wanted to go...with me." Sokka thought for a moment. Zuko was an attractive guy, and he was being nice taking Sokka somewhere besides the Fire Nation ship cell. But then Sokka thought of how Zuko might be planning to trick him.

"How can I trust you?" Sokka explained. "I don't know if I can, I feel like you have a little plan against me."

"There is no plan." Zuko said getting closer to Sokka again, wrapping up his wounds. "If you don't want to go, I can bring you back to your village." Sokka thought the festival sounded fun, so he decided to say "yes" to Zuko's invitation on taking him on a date. Zuko tried to hide his smile. "Okay well, just get ready here, I'll wait for you outside. There's a blue kimono in my closet for you." Zuko closed the door behind him and Sokka found the kimono Zuko was referring to. Surprisingly, it fit Sokka perfectly. Sokka looked into the mirror and fixed his hair up a bit. It was still a little wet, so he decided to keep it down. Sokka came out of Zuko's room and saw that Zuko was blushing bright red at the sight of him. 

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