17| latibule

73 11 31

c o m f o r t

that's what you are to me and what you love most

as simple as things as laying on a couch / because when in the unknown, comfort is best / it can be found in the little things / because what matters more than the comfort and warmth it brings / like a lighted scented candle / simply watching the glow of the light flicker in the semi-darkness / the flame dancing to its shadows / while your mind lingers elsewhere / dazed and deep in thought

what can compare to a fresh gale of wind / all those small things / watching small dots of clouds float in the mid-july sky while you lay on the ground just below / gazing above, in your own world / even reminisce or remembrance of things past - those youthful childhood / waking up to the morning sunlight / those idyllic moments are home to you and me / 

what can compare to a fresh gale of wind / all those small things / watching small dots of clouds float in the mid-july sky while you lay on the ground just below / gazing above, in your own world / even reminisce or  remembrance of things past - ...

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specially for loraeve ; 

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specially for loraeve ; 

thank you so much mars for always cheering me on in hard times and for always making my day and night with your lovely messages, i love you so much <33 you too, keep going girl!! i'm always always gonna be there for you ;) i just wanna thank you for that one day in may when you took the initiative to talk to me, that was truly heart-warming, i remember ♥ so keep pushing on and you'll get to where you wanna be and don't give up!! you can do it and remember He is always with you too. Leave your stress in God's hands. "God will be your shelter in the storm and comfort in the chaos" (rmb this??) plus, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid." —John 14:27

p.s. SHREDDING BONES is truly one of a kind for me, simply unique and meaningful, awaiting future works ;D trust in yourself, you're a talent already XD

 SHREDDING BONES is truly one of a kind for me, simply unique and meaningful, awaiting future works ;D trust in yourself, you're a talent already XD

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