Chapter 3

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After what seems like forever the two boys finally calmed down The British boy started to introduce himself

" hi I'm Gogy or George whichever on u want to call me you must be Madison i've heard so much about you"

His voice was kind of calm after his screaming of course after his introduction was another boy his voice was a lot deeper

" hey my name is sapnap but you can call me nick"

Ah yes sapnap I definitely know who he was after watching dreams videos on YouTube my for you page on Tik Tok was filled with those silly edits of him that overly sexualized him

" hello boys it's nice to finally meet you good to know Clay has actual friends"

I looked at him and he had a glare across his face

"Hey I have friends ya know you are my friend"

The word I hated the most of course I wanted to be his friend but I also wanted to be more than friends I just knew Clay didn't feel the same though

" just friends? You sure about that clay"said nick

" OK that's enough of that" said clay "goodbye guys"

He closed out discord immediately I looked at him with a confused look as I seen a blush creep across his cheeks

Wait George said he's heard a lot about me does that mean that Clay has been talking about me and he's blushing over the idea of us being more than just friends . Does he like me ?Am I overthinking this? Come on Maddie pull yourself together. quit thinking like this.

Clay picks up his phone. And looks at the time it was already 1PM he looks back up at me

" are you hungry? We could go get something to eat"


He stood up from his chair pushing it in grabbing his keys off of his desk

" come on I got an idea"

We made our way downstairs and out the door I got in the passenger seat of his car and he's slowly starting to make his way to the driver side after locking the front door

" so what's your idea"

I looked over at Clay eager to see what he was going to say
"Just sit there and look pretty enjoy the ride"

I shook my head yes and turned to look out the window hoping that my face wasn't as red as I knew it was. He just called me pretty I feel like such a schoolgirl blushing over the stupidest things

After about 10 minutes in the car he pulled in to a McDonald's drive-through and ordered two 10 piece chicken nuggets he pulled out of the parking lot I was still so confused on what we were doing but I decided to listen to him and just sit back and enjoy the ride

He pulled onto a dirt road and into this park that looks like no one ever really came here The playground looks deserted and the only thing that was somewhat busy with the fishing dock with two guys on a boat he parked his car and got out opening the back door and grabbing a small blanket that was folded in the backseat

" A picnic?"

He shook his head and smiled

" is that too corny?" He asked

" no just perfect" I smiled

as he led the way to a big tree and laid the blanket down he sat down and patted the blanket for me to follow his moves it was nice outside it was kind of breezy but the sun was still beating down on us

He pulled out the food and handed me mine

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