Chapter 5

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        Flashback two years ago

It was the last night of summer so me and Clay decided to go to the strawberry festival As one last kind of hurrah . We went on a bunch of rides and ate way too much food

"I think I am going to be sick" said clay

"Oh come on you big baby it wasn't even that bad"

" are you kidding me it was flipping upside down" Clay looked at my like I was some kind of psychopath

Clay had always been terrified roller coaster it made me wonder why he even suggest coming here

We decided to head over to the games even though they were always rigged it was still a lot of fun to play them Clay had his eyes set on this black and white panda bear and was determined to win it

"Oh come on man"

"Clay are you going to waste all your money on a five dollar bear"

He looked at me evil eyes " it made me mad so I am taking home this stupid bear if it's the last thing I do"

I shook my head and just let him continue to be overly competitive as I looked at Clay he was focusing so hard even biting his lips my eyes couldn't help but wonder and look at them he was so handsome under all these pretty flashing lights his green eyes were so bright I felt my knees begin to tremble at the site of him

"Yes about time" he yelled

The sound of him yelling snapped me out of my thoughts the biggest smile spread across his face as the man working the stand handed him the little bear he hugged it and looked at me handing it over to me

" I think you should have it" he placed it in my hands

I smiled back at him "maybe we should share it"

We stood there for a second just looking into each other's eyes his green eyes staring into my dark brown eyes I felt my heart skip a beat what is this it where we finally going to kiss he slowly leaned in making his way towards me and just before our lips touched some little kid came running bumping into us

"Hey watch it kid" clay said

And just like that the moment was gone ruined by some five-year-old running to get cotton candy .The drive back home was pretty bitter sweet I had to leave for college the next day and I knew once I was gone that me and Clay would never happen.

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