Chapter 7

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I made my way to the bathroom and fixed up my hair a little bit touched up my make up when I heard Clay call for me

"Hey you almost ready"

"Yeah just a sec" I yelled back

I ran into my bedroom and grabbed a pair of black wedges running out to the living room and seeing Clay he looked really nice he was wearing black jeans with a black shirt he had a pair of vans on with a flannel on even though his outfit was basic he looked really good

I ran into my bedroom and grabbed a pair of black wedges running out to the living room and seeing Clay he looked really nice he was wearing black jeans with a black shirt he had a pair of vans on with a flannel on even though his outfit was basic...

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He looked up from his phone at me


"Lost for words Clay ?"

He blushed "of course have u not seen how beautiful you are"

I smiled at him . He has to like me back right ? I mean there's no way he's constantly complementing me and not like me back or even feel anything towards me

"So are u ready ?"

I noticed I drifted into my thoughts again

"Yeah I am ready"

He opened the door we got in the car and made our way to the restaurant . After about a 20 minute drive we arrived at the restaurant we got out of the car and started to walk in until I felt arms wrapped around my waist I turned around to be greeted with clays little sister
Hugging me "hi drista how are you"

"I am good excited to see you"

"You should have seen her face when I told her you were going to be at dinner" clays mom said as she made her way to hug me drista let go and backed away turning to say hello to her brother

Clays mom hugged me I always loved her hugs you can tell she really cared for you she leaned closer to my ear and whispered
"You look absolutely stunning clays lucky"

My face started to blush as she pulled away from the hug she walked over to her son and he kissed her cheek
"Hello mom"

"I missed you clay I feel like I never see you" his mom said with a sad look in her eyes

" you just seen him yesterday mom" drista said as she rolled her eyes

"That's along time"

Clay laughed after we all greeted each other we walked into the restaurant and made our way to a table

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