Chapter 2.3

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                              Jennys point of view

"What have they done to you" I heard someone whisper as they pull me into their arms, I knew instantly who it was by the smell of them. I try to talk but nothing comes out, my hands start to violently shake: "GUYS!" Newt shouts to the others as they came rushing over.

My eyes opened more and I could see more clearly then before, I smile when I see Newt standing there holding my hand. "Newty..." I whisper smiling even more, I look him in the eyes and his eyes started going red when he examined what they had done to me. I sit up slowly groaning because of the pain, I look down and see blood. My blood.

I grasp the back of my head and examine my surroundings, I realise that Thomas was charging at a window with a chair to try and break it. Newt ran and grabbed another chair and they manage to break through the window; glass shatters everywhere. I shield my head with my arms, Newt grabs my hand and helps me over the window frame that leads to another hallway. Everyone made it to the other side and Thomas says: "ok now we need to find Teresa", we all start running through endless hallways until we bump into the same doctor that did this to me.

She looks at us suspiciously and then sees me "what are you guys doing out?" We start charging after her and Thomas manages to catch her and pins her to the wall. "Ok so you are going to help us find Teresa" he demands. She nods as she knows she has no other choice, we follow her to a door and she opens it; there was Teresa. Laying on a bed in the same condition as I was, Thomas grabs a gun which was laying there and he pointed it at the doctors as they run into a corner with their hands up.

I wake Teresa up and she gasps for air, "hey it's ok we need to go" I say grabbing her arm. Suddenly Janson came running in with guards and Thomas shooter at another window breaking it, once again, we we run over it this time Thomas helping Teresa get over. "WHY ARE THEY CHASING US?!" Screams Fry.We run and almost make it out to the main door, I try to get it open with the doctors ID card but it wouldn't go through; a group of guards and Janson caught up to us and Thomas rushes towards them shooting at them. I manage to open the door and to my surprise Winston and Arise was standing there, we call his name, his gun runs out and he starts sprinting towards us with all his might. We scream and scream his name and he just about makes it. Arise smashes a metal bar on the keypad trapping them inside.

We sprint through the main room and open the door that leads to the outside world, we run up the sandy hills and I glance behind me to see loads of guards looking for us with guns that has torches on them. "Come on Jen" I hear Newt say as he pulls me by my arm. The sand brushing everywhere from strong winds but just keep running. We make it to what looks like an abandoned building and we see a broken window. I run in panicking and I can hear Newt behind me yelling at me to stay close to them but I don't listen, when I got inside I look around and realised that I am in a big room with left over furniture and supplies. I can hear the others running in as they yell at each other; I look down and see that there are footprints I turn to face the others and utter "guys! Somebodies been here" pointing at the footprints.

I turn away and start walking further into the room, I can hear footsteps behind me trying to catch up with me, "hey don't wonder to far on your own" Newt says as he grasps my hand and knitted his eyebrows. I smile at him and carry on walking, we come to a metal fence and some other doors. "Wait Newt flash your light over here" I say to him as I rush over to a door I was the only one that didn't have a torch so I had to rely on someone a else.

"Instead of me rushing after you take mine and I will share with Thomas or someone" he says passing the torch to me, I shrug as I enter the room. I look to the left and see a mannequin I gasp thinking it was a crank. "You alright" I hear Newt ask in the background.

"I'm fine" I reply.

I examine the room for a while longer until the lights suddenly turned on, I jump and look behind me as there were cranks chasing them! I run out of the room and Thomas grabs my arm we run up an broken elevator and I trip as a crank grabs my ankle - I scream and kick to try and get it off me.

"Jenny!" I hear Thomas shout. I manage to get on my feet and I kick it away with all my might, to my surprise it flew a few meters across the room; I look behind me and see a crank attacking Thomas but he managed to kick it, I crouch just in time as it flew past my head. We sprint up and ran into the others, we start running down another hallway when suddenly a crank jumped out and grabbed Newt and pins him to the ground - he struggles to get it of him - I run up to him screaming his name and grab a metal rod that was on the floor. I swing it at the cranks head knocking it out but not enough to kill it, I grab Newts hand and we sprint back to the others.

We find them trying to get through this door that has 'exit' on top of it, I look behind me and see hundreds of cranks running after us. Newt pulls me by the arm down the smaller hallway where the guys were, I could hear Teresa as she was louder screaming at Minho to get it open as the cranks were getting closer. Minho tries his hardest to break down the door by banging on it with his shoulder, Winston runs to the cranks and starts firing to get them distracted. Finally, Minho manages to get the door open and we all rush in; "come on Winston" yells Thomas before he runs in and goes behind the door with Minho getting ready to slam it shut. Winston manages to get in but the cranks grab his ankle and almost pulls him out of the room, me and Teresa runs towards him and grabs his arms trying to free him from the cranks clutches. Meanwhile Minho and Thomas was trying their hardest to close the door and lock the cranks out, Winston starts screaming as one of the cranks digs into his stomach.

Finally the cranks let go and we pull him into the room as Minho and Thomas slams the door shut. However to my dismay, they can't lock it with anything so they scream at us to go as they try to keep the cranks; Newt and Fry lift up Winston and start running while me and Teresa sprints not far behind them. Minho and Thomas let go of the door and sprints trying to catch up with us, it didn't take long as we hadn't gotten far, we run and run and finally made it out.

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