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Taking additional measures in forging ahead and reaching out to the writing community on Wattpad, we present:

Have ever got stuck on a plot, a word, a scene or a story so much that you can't move forward?
We as writers, believe almost everyone has been through that non-writing "phase". To counteract that stage and to boost our writing community(and the writer in us), we all need an impetus, a push, to keep at it. 

Keeping in mind, NewlyWrittenBooks are going to publish a writer's empowerment quote from writers across the world, to light up and spark the writing bug in the writer within you.

And if you have your favorite writing quotes, feel free to post them to us with the @newlywrittenbooks #newlywrittenbooks in the comments below, so that we receive everyone of them.

 We'll dedicate the chapter to you! ❤

WE: Words of EncouragementWhere stories live. Discover now