Mist in the Shadows

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[Justin as Amthalion]
[Fantasy, Drama]

Being a free-spirited girl got you in a lot of trouble, a lot of times.

You wander to places that are highly unlikely to be a teenager like you to be seen in.

As the youngest daughter of a man who owns the airlines, you get to places some of people ages like you dreamed of visiting, and did crazy adventures, some of them even death-defying.

Great Wall of China? Check

Leaning Tower of Pisa? Check.




Dive in a sunken ship? Yes, totally.

Find hidden treasures in a dessert? Oh well, done.

All of the Seven Wonders? Definitely.

You almost had a trip around the world, which your absent dad always gives you. Mainly to compensate him for being a physically & emotionally absentee father in your life. On which you got yourself used to.

But your older brother always refuses to spoil you. He objects to your every adventure, especially now, you're going alone and in an unknown place.

"I cannot allow it Kirelle. If dad's always letting you because he practically doesn't know what you're doing, me? I. Won't. Allow. It." Your brother's voice was stern, but you can notice the deep concern in his eyes.

He's a softie on the inside, he acts tough to protect you.

But then, you wanted to protect him too, to stand by his side.

But sometimes, he's just plain annoying.

"Kyden, don't be such a baby, it's not like you haven't experienced going out to adventures when you're my age." You protested, placed both hands on your hips, and rolled your eyes.

"Well, I don't dive on sunken ships for starters."


"And almost got eaten by sharks."
He added.

"Ughhh I made it out alive okay? And besides, that sunken ship was one of the undiscovered ships! Hella awesome!" You told him. As if stars shine in your eyes as you describe your last adventure.

Kyden glanced at you and he knew you're not gonna let him stop you. By now he thinks of a way for you to cancel your plan, by hook or by crook.

"No, not gonna let you stop me if that's what's swimming inside your potato head." You joked, which made him roll his eyes at you.

"Ati Chona??!" You teased. It's a slang term for 'attitude' or having a not-so-nice behavior to other people.

You looked at each other, you punch him jokingly on his arm making you both laugh at your own shits.

Yes, you're that close. From arguing to laughing like crazy-assed hoomans.


"Kuya," you cut him short.  I tell you... I promise you I'm going to be safe. I'm Kirelle, the nine lives cat sister of yours remember?"

You shake his both arms trying to cheer him up. He looks like you just made him stay an all-nighter.

"The Ruins of Sirizchia is only in our country, it's just that it's hidden... When I find it, I promise you, that will be my last for now. Alright? Don't be sad..."

"Last?" He repeated.

"Yep, for now, sadly, that will be my last. I'm going to help you run that stup-- that company of ours. I bet it's getting frustrating handling things on your own." You smiled a genuine one.

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