SB19 Pablo: "Saudade"

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(Former book cover)

April 15, 2015

A ding sound snatched you from your reverie, it's a text from one of your friends Alice, she badly wants you to come, you smiled.

Before you can reply to Alice, another one popped from your screen.

"Hey, how are you, Connie? Uhmm 'hoping you'll come, I have something important to tell you, and..., I missed you. :) "

And there it goes, you smiled from ear to ear, just a simple text from that guy melted your heart like butter under the sun.

You suddenly had flashbacks on how Alice did her best to find and give Pablo's number to you because you're so afraid of asking him, even if he's also included in your circle. You shake your head and laughed.

Ahh, those days, high school life, plain and simple... having a crush, attending prom, acing tests, and building strong bonds of friendship. Even finding love, unexpectedly.


"WOOOH! This is it! Hella awesome!" Marco shouted in glee. Each of you climbed to the rooftop, your girl-friends squealed in delight and dragged you to the center, a round table filled with food and drinks. As you look up, you can see a clear evening sky with a bunch of twinkling stars.

The rooftop is decorated with Christmas lights and a few balloons are scattered on the ground. There's faint music being played in a Bluetooth speaker not far from where you're standing.

" 'Glad you came Constantine, Pablo would be so happy to see you," George one of your friends, stated.

"Of course, how can I let this day pass?" You chuckled and looked for Pablo.

"He's here, Connie." Sonia elbowed you and motioned at the person that just arrived.

"Hey, how are you?" You both blurted.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking..." and again. That sent the two of you in awkward glances and shy smiles.

Marco, your ever talkative and energetic friend chimed in.

"Oh c'moooon, we're not high school anymore, tell each other what you feel already!"

"Shut your mouth, moron!" Alice shoved a handful of bread inside Marco's mouth. He glared at Alice but Alice just gave a peace sign and smiled which sent you all in a cheery laugh. Those two never change, aren't they?

"What should we do after this?" George butted in after the laugh.

"The night's young peeps, How about a road trip!" Sonia giggled.

" I'll be the driver then, I don't trust you on the wheel," Pablo joked. and besides, I brought my car."

You all agreed. It was also a silent agreement between the six of you that you'll sit at the shotgun.

Indeed it will be an unforgettable memory...

You saw them singing your favorite songs. Marco at the back together with an irritated Alice, belting out Bohemian Rhapsody.

Then the next thing you knew, there were blinding lights, tires screeching, and the frightened look on Pablo's face as he tried to evade an incoming truck from hitting your ride.


You woke up.

It felt like it was a nightmare. You feel yourself shaking as you quickly scanned the room you're in. It was dark and the color of the walls are different from yours, but you knew this room is familiar. It was Pablo's room, the five of you all went here before when you worked on a classroom jingle.


A calendar was plastered on the wall. It was chaos, objects and crumpled papers scattered on the floor, some of them are newspapers and unfinished songs. There he is... crying. You knelt beside him and fresh tears started to pour.

He was looking intently at an old newspaper.

"I wish I could turn back time to undo all the things that lead to that day. I wish I could, but I can't, I just cant." He murmured in between sobs.

From your shaking hand, you tried to hold his face, you never saw him cry before. He was always beaming at you. But this, Pablo, is in a wreck.

"I'm here, what happened to you? Please don't cry... W-what can I do to ease the pain?" A series of questions lingered in your head, most of it leading to why Pablo is in this state of misery.

He didn't respond, he didn't even look at you as if you weren't beside him.

"Constantine, I'm sorry... I'm sorry, please forgive me, I'm sorry... we- were sorry, please come back..."

"What? I-I'm here! Can't you see me?! I'm here Pablo, look at me!" You lifted your hand trying to shake his shoulder. Panic rises up, you can't breathe properly because of too much crying.

"Why is this happening? Why?! I wish I'd told you sooner, I wish I'd told you I love you ever since... Now you're gone. Please, please come back Connie..."

Now you get it.

The newspapers, April 15, 2015: Reunion turned into a tragedy, 1 died, 4 barely made it out alive and one damaged his lower body.

"I love you, Constantine, it never changed, it will never be, I will do anything just to have you back."

"I wish I can tell you how I feel too, I-it's not your fault Pablo if only I can have just a short time...

You looked up, silently uttering prayers to a Higher being to give you even a minute to speak with the man you love.

"If only I can hold your hand, If only I uttered the words, will it change everything? Will it save you from your misery?"

That was the last thing you spoke before a blinding light consumed you.


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