See You in the Present

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Characters: You as Sharlene Aristhale
Justin De Dios (or any other member that you please) as Justin William Gregory IV.
Genre: Historical Fiction(?)

You are the girl next door. Everyone loves you! Well, knows and loves you, because you've helped them in almost every way. You give back the love and care you so badly wanted but failed to have, since you were a child.

Whenever someone in the neighborhood needs a helping hand, you put much effort to get things done. You can almost surpass "The Friendly Neighborhood Spider Man" role.

Except for one house. Or family you guess.

It was this mansion at the end of the street. The mansion itself was thickly covered in ivy, lots of sprouting grass infront of the property, seems like no one bothers in cleaning. The windows are like grimy glass illuminating faint yellow light from the inside everytime night comes.

You don't believe in ghosts or whatnot, so  justifying these lights as candles lit every night by the owners help you stay sane whenever you chill out in your veranda.

Yes,  the happy thing is, your house is just across this mansion.

But one morning changed it all.


Your daily routine of shouting a good morning to the world stopped when you noticed something happening just outside the mansion.

Everyone from the household packing their bags, suitcases and things in a white van.

"They're leaving? Why?"

You've noticed something unusual.

"Are they sad? What's with the long face?"

The family, comprising of a middle aged, short haired mother, a father that looks like he's 10 years older than his wife, a daughter which probably in the range of fourteen to sixteen years old, all  place their bags quitely in the van.

What's odd is their clothing.
They look like they've sprouted out of an old English era where people are wearing
Coats, dresses with ruffles and huge hats to cover their faces.

Maybe they're just going to a grand party, you've guessed. But the weird feeling still stays in your chest.

The father made eye contact with you and you swear hairs from your body stood up.

It was short yet eerie.

As if he stared and judged all of your life's decisions and the contents of your soul.

What the heck?

"Father, we need to go." The stares were stopped when his daughter touched his arm and spoke.

Sheesh, that family is weird.

With one last look at the family, you snapped back to reality when your phone rang.

"Hey, Mrs. Evans, how are you? Oh is it Charlie again? Okay I'll find him, maybe he's out exploring things, you know kids."

"I'll find him for you, Mrs. Evans, it's gonna be okay, alright? Take care!"

The call ended.

Another one that needs helping, alright!

That was your old neighbor Mrs. Evans, she has difficulties in seeing things clearly, and is most of the time sitting on her rocking chair because of her frail body.

This neighbor has a grandkid, probably the age of 10. This kid is quite a handful, he always likes to explore places with his best friend Nathan. So he's kinda difficult to find when he's out.

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