Moving without knowing.

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"So what are you thinking about our new house?" A boy with black hair had asked.

"Hehe.. what new house?" The girl with short black hair chuckled.

"Wait... you din't know we're moving?" He stood straight up.


"I still can't believe you agreed to move out of our cozy apartment to a sketchy house. Although we might save more money." The girl said as she sat in the front row seat.

"Bitch I din't know I was supposed to decline!" He complained.

"I'm literally your roommate! You could've asked me!" She argued.

"Well bitch it's too late." He said as he parked the car.

" He said as he parked the car

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"Woah... wait doesn't this look like-"

"Shut up. Also I believe we're going to get haunted let's get the fuck back home." She cut him off.

"No. This IS home. Also you don't have to rate it just because it has more than one floor. Your parents told you a lie." He said as he walked in.

"Fuck... I'll get the camera... the one that looks like it's from a filming crew. Cuz camera people don't get killed." She said as she carried a black bag.

"You know there's movies where the camera man is cannon and-" "Shut up." She cut him off again.

"HEYY!! GUYS!! B.B.!! YOUR REALLY HERE!!" A trans looking girl but with a boy haircut had looked at his friend with pleased eyes.

"Don't act like we hand't fight..." B.B. whispered. "Huh?" The girl tilted her head. "I said your taller than me." B.B. smacked her hands away. "Duh! Of course I'm taller!" She smirked. "Are we even on the same grade? Jeez get the fuck off me." B.B. said.

INTRODUCTION TIME! AGAIN! (Please send help this is like the 4th or more time I'm doing this-)


Weird name, check! The bisexuality trans looking father. Gender has not yet confirmed. Just called father because he bought the house and invited all of his friends. Age not yet confirmed but looked like around 15-17 years old. He is weird and mysterious 💀.


Name that confuses you with the word "You". He's a dick and a cringey arsehole. Has a crush and imagines he has a abusive girlfriend who he still loves because he's a masochist apparently- and also he's the older brother. Straight as a line. Age not yet confirmed but seemed to be around 12-13 years old.


Name is literally her nickname. Real name not yet confirmed. Name literally means Barbie bitch. A psychopath. Asexual/aromantic- no sorry straight. Younger sister. 12 years of age.


Regretted but loved name. He's the BFF of B.B. (Just caught dragged into this messed up pile of shit-) also the aesthetic guy and literally simp for killers. Part of the 🌈🏳️‍🌈✨. 12 years of age.

"So why are we here anyways?" B.B. asked. "Well I thought living together might as well be fun!" Exle turned around and looked around "We are literally a mile away from school.." B.B. mumbled.

"Sup." Yu greets himself "Hey.. uhh?" "Cosmic." Cosmic answered "You sound like dead ass space my friend." B.B. teased. "I know..." he muttered.

"Okay guys let's start unpacking!" Exle clapped his hands together.

"Sigh.... let's just get ready to leave this place instead.😒" B.B. whispered.

"Why are you so mood right now..? 😔" Cosmo whispered.

"Chaos here we are.. sigh... 😒" Yu whispered.

Will they cooperate? Or will they fight again and depart? Soon on- (Bro just end it.) No but- (Cut the cameras) NO BUT- (CUT THE CAMERAS DEAD ASS! 💀)

Chapter 1 end-

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