Chapter 23:

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Y/n's POV:

After I finally got Shoto to surrender his "home" and defrost it. Elsaroki was hard to convince to finally go to bed.

Next morning was the real Challenge.
Waking up was basicaly imposible if it wasn't for the three traffic lights I'd still be under the covers.


I groaned as I held onto Lea for support. The rest of my classmates would say I was sleep walking. Barely, but hey I was walking.

Not for long though, halfway from the dorms to the school building I gave up.

Slowly I let go of Lea's arm and layed down on my back. It took the bluenette a few secconds to notice. "Hey Y/-" She turned around spoting me laying on the floor hoping to teletransport.

"Seriously girl. Thats why I told you to carry a pillow" Lea sighed and layed down next to me.

Looking at the morning sky, we got distracted talking about world domination when a husky angry voice interupted our plans.

"Hey Maga mind, roach eyes what the hell are you doing on the floor" Kat asked his usual angry expresion present.

"Good morning to you too" Lea said as she stood up. "Morningggg pomeranian" I beamed. He was about to say something but decided against it.

"Get up roach eyes. You are going to be late" He scoffed. I still didn't budge, instead I made grabby hands towards him.

"No fucking way. Get up"  Katsuki turned around only to hear me whining. I made puppy eyes, the ugliest ones but still.

Kat scoffed and turned back around. "Fine but if any other extra asks I'll throw them off" I cheered as he gave me a piggy pack.

Katsuki's POV:

"If only you knew what you do to me Y/n" I said under my breath. That damn woman, I thought I must have been over my stupid feelings for her by now.

Mina's POV:


Shoto's POV:

I got a plan.

Denki's POV:

~What you gonna do with a big fat butt~  
Wigo wigo wigo. Tu tu tu tu tuuu.


Y/n's POV:

I groaned as  Kat finaly placed my in my seat. Receving wierd looks from the students that didn't stay up with us last night.

The frog quirk user apriached me worriedly. "Hey Mido- chan kero"  I blinked in response nodding my head slightly.

"You seem tired. Are you okay?" She asked. I looked at her dead in the eyes, my tired face worryimg her further. "You see I'm fine but deep inside...I just want a cookie"

Tsu relaxed shaking her head in disaproaval. "Take care of yourself - kero" she croaked. I smiled before she went to her seat

Our teacher, the sleeping bag came in clearing his throat. "For today you heros in making are going to learn how to take care of a kid."

Iida's hand shooted up "Mr. Aizawa. With all respect, what does parenting have to do with our jobs as heroes" Iida spoke loudly doing his usual hand chop.

Our teacher sighed "Calm down Iida. This is something new, due to certain incidents heroes are required to know how to take care of a baby. Whether it got lost, rescued, etc" he explained.

"Okay sir Thank YOU for your winderful forming" the engine boy yelled standing up.

Jirou raised her hand. "Mr. Aizawa are we going to be trusted with small babies? Some of us are way too idiotic for that"  she added looking at Kaminari at the end.

He caught on and whinned "You're so mean" he humfled. Making everyone laugh.

Sero: "Jirou has a point, half of us wouldn't be the ideal parents."
Y/n: "We literaly have  a walking ticking bomb, someone who would follow all the parenting book's rules."

Lea: "Mhm. Also your brother that would cry if the babies do, Mineta can't even cary a child. Basicaly they all would die"

Denki: "THEY DIE?!?!"
Mr. Aizawa: "Everyone just be quiet. Nobody is going to die."

He sighed, rubing his temple. "The support course made pretend roobtic babies. Them being robots means they won't die but they do need all of the other human necesaries."

Y/n: "I'm already raising my friends. Doesn't that count?"
Mr. Aizawa: "No. And for the love of sleep don't teach those robot babies how to twerk "


"WAAAAAAAAAH" cried the little demon. "You don't have any problems. I do, I should be screaming." I retorted.

"Feed that thing" Lea shouted. "Refrain from being bad parents." Iida said ealking around with his baby carrier.

DISHONOUR ON YOUR COW" Kaminari joked.

Meanwhile Mr. Aizawa was in the corner of the room, a wierd smile plastered on his face.


Back at the dorms it was more chill. As normal as it can get for class 1-A.

"How the heck do you poup?" I screamed in disgust. "How do I even change it" I slumped against the wall.

"Hand the baby over roach eyes. Its not that difficult." Kat growled. Then he proceeded to skillfuly change the baby.

Finishing up with my baby boy, he set his down for them to socialize. Standing next to me in silence a soft gaze and smiled adorned our features.

I don't know what Kat was thinking about but he looks so peaceful.


"Y/nnnn. How do you take vare of this thing?" Mina came in yelling helplessly.  "I'm hungwy" whinned Mina's baby.

"Girl me too" and with that Mina went on her way to get food. I had to stop her from giving a beer.


The common room was umm... Diverse, Shoto was carrying the baby like there was no such thing called tomorrow.

"I will protect you with my life" He promised. The baby staring back into his eyes wierdly.

Tokoyami had a nest with eggs.  Mr. Aizawa made the right choice.

Denki had his baby in a Pikachu onsie, raising his baby over his head and singing Simba. Jirou was humming a lulaby to her baby.

Momo was creating things non stop. Katsuki's baby was so quiet only saying "Deku is stupid" under her breath.

Kirishima was huging his baby close to his chest. The sight was something to behold. "You are going to be so womanly when you grow up".  All the girls awwed.

This was going to be a long day.~

Heyyyy babes. New chapter, I couldn't update this week. Even though nobody cares. This week has been busy for me. I just came back from the beach after doing make up "classes". I look like a hotdog rn so yea cool.

Also this chapter is well idk how to describe it hopefuly you like it. Anyways eat lots and stay hydrated love y'all. 

Sa-yo-na-ra simps♥︎

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