2. Her

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Melanie Martinez- Training weels                ( slowed + reverb )


After walking out of her room...

Andreana is like a little sister to me. I don't know why it was such a big deal when I walked into her room half naked. It's not like she was fully naked anyways. Plus, I've seen her completely naked. Yes we were 5, but it still counts. Andreana was my best friend till the age of 16, I think. All out of a sudden she started to hate me. It maybe because she was jealous of my girlfriend. I knew she had a crush on me, but we couldn't be together. We were practically family. She thinks I still don't know she had a crush on me. Ofcourse she doesn't. We never talked about it.

I walked down the stairs meeting Allonso. ''Why the hell was Andreana yelling in her room?'' he asks me. ''Nothing.'' I reply. ''Boy, you better tell me before I shoot your head off.'' He says walking closer to me. We laugh. We both know he wouldn't do that.

''I didn't knock on her door and she was out of bed, half naked.'' Allonso grunts. ''Why the fuck didn't you knock Alex?'' ''Cause her door didn't say 'do not enter without knocking', why is it such a big deal anyways?'' I reply slightly annoyed. He shakes his head. ''She's 19. It's not like she's 5 anymore Alex. You can't just walk in without her permission she has a women body now.'' I snicker. ''Oh I know. Every one of your men is looking at her when she passes by. She really shoud buy normal pj's.'' Allonso gets annoyed too. ''If you see anyone looking at my sister report back to me right away. I'll kill every figlio di puttana (motherfucker) who dares to look at my little sister's body.'' I laugh. ''Ayayay I thought she wasn't 5 anymore A? She can protect herself remember.'' He hits me. ''Whatever. Let's just finish the mission already.''

We walk into Allensio office. An intel told us someone from the inside is stealing money and drugs from us.

We have more than enough, but stealing in a mafia business from a mafia heir, is not tolerated. So a lot of people are dying today if we don't get what we want. The person who actually stole from us, is getting tortured.

Maybe we'll cut his fingers off one by one, if we're in the mood. We like to be dramatic when it comes to torturing. One time, we burned one side of a man, because he tried to rape Andreana. She likes to fuck around, she was even more lucky that we was watching her.

Allensio, me and the other men are getting geared up. Heading our way out, Andreana comes out meeting us with short ass shorts who don't do anything about hiding her body and an even shorter tank top then earlier today. ''Where are you guys going?'' She asks me. Allensio sighs. ''Please deal with her Alex. And hurry up.'' Allensio walks away and I'm left with Andreana. Who left me in charge? Andreana hates me. Couldn't anyone else do it? ''We have a mission. Just go to bed again.'' I shake my head. Andreana doesn't like to he bosses around so she's not backing down. I'm not either. ''Don't tell me what to do Alex.'' She looks me up and down. I breath in and out, talking with a calm tone. ''Andrea, I'm not telling you what to do. Please go back to bed, or whatever you were doing. And couldn't you were anything more appropiate? Everyone can see your figure and.. more. You look like a puttana (whore).'' Oh no. She's going to get pissed. She slaps me '' I do not look like a puttana Alex. Go suck your own small ass dick. It's not my fault I live in a house with only men and YOU.'' She says with tear in her eyes, running away.

I instantly felt bad for the words I said. I didn't have time to go back-to-forth with Andrea. How bad I wanted to go after her, I had an mission to complete. So I left her.

''Great job asshole.'' Allonso hits me. ''scelta sbagliata delle parole?'' (wrong choice of words?) I ask. Allonso looks mad at me. ''You better make it up to her Alex.'' I grunt. ''sì''

We arrived at the house of the man who stole from us.

Greggory ( one of our men ) walks up to us. ''He's inside capo (boss)" We nod to our men to move inside. We break inside only to be seen by a woman and a child but no man. ''Lower your weapons now!'' Allonso demands. We don't hurt women's and their children's. We may be in the mafia business, but we still have respect towards women's and children's. I walk up to the woman. ''Ma'am where did your husband go?'' The woman answers with tears in her eyes. ''Please, don't hurt us! He moved out of the back door.'' I reassure her. Telling her we won't hurt her or her child. Allonso orders everyone around. ''Everyone move to the back and catch him. Bring him to our house. I want him alive and as we know, don't ever let them know our location. Move everyone, move now and only come back when you have him.''

Everyone moves out of the house in search for the man. Allonso and I return back home waiting for an update from our men.

I walk towards Andreana's room, knocking on the door 4 times but no answer. I open the door. No one inside. My heart is starting to beat faster. Not knowing where she could possibly be. Andrea is a mafia principessa. She could be in danger and no one saw her move out of the house. If Allonso finds out she's not in her room and no one saw her sneak out, he'll kill everyone. So for their sake, I'm going to find Andrea.

I ask Anthony to track her bracelet. Andrea has a chip planted in her bracelet for when we have to track her. Anthony is our tech guy. He can hack into everything anytime.

Andrea's bracelet leads us to a club. 'Garcia club'. Allonso's club. I drive to the club. Walking inside I see Andrea dancing on a table having the time of her life in a short red dress, and black high heels.

I walk upto her. Trying to catch her attention.

''Andrea, what are you doing??!'' I yell.

She dances, screaming back.

''Having the time of my life! Do you think I'm a puttana now too Alex?''

I sigh.

''I didn't mean to say that Andrea. I'm sorry. Please, come down we have to go.''

''I don't want to go yet.'' she laughs. ''You know, you really hurt me when you called me a whore. But I was like; fuck you and fuck my brother. I can dress how I want to and no one is going to do shit!''

I suspected that she was drunk and my suspicion was right. Before I knew it she jumped from the table and started to throw up. On my shoes. My beautiful shoes.

I throw her over my shoulder, walking towards my car. The drive home was silent. That's because she was fast asleep.

If I would bring her home, Allonso would see her and problably kill her. So I took a choice to take her to my house.

I've put her on the ground now. My maids went home for the night, and she was covered with puke.

Do I clean her? Or will she sleep in my bed nasty as fuck?

That's not even an option.

I take a blindfold to cover up my eyes. She was half asleep. I've now placed her in the bath tub cleaning her. Yes, I know what I'm doing. When you're in a mafia business, you learn how to fight and shoot with a blindfold on. I think I can manage cleaning up a woman blindfolded. After cleaning her up I change her into one of my shirts and boxers. What ya expect? I don't have women underwears.

I place her into my bed. Hesitant if I'll sleep next to her or on the couch.


I hope this was a nice cliffhanger. I wrote this with sleep in my eyes. I am now going to bed. Correcting my faults tomorrow.

Do you think Alexio will sleep next to her or on the couch?

Answer is in the next chapter!!

Thank you for reading <3


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