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A/N: Hello👋

Thank you to everyone who has voted and stuck with both me and the story to this point, you guys are awesome.

I will say, I have the urge to kill someone. A character, that is, not a real human. Although to get away with it, I can feed the body to pigs, they'll eat anything. 

It's kinda fun knowing that I can kill off any character I want to in any way I want, and technically no one can stop me. This is too much power and I'm having too much fun. We'll see what happens.

Also, I don't really proofread because if I do I'll hate my work and delete it all to start over. If there are any grammar or spelling mistakes, please, I beg you to point them out to me. I can't stand grammar and spelling mistakes, but I don't check my own work. Pretty contradicting. 

C/W: Language, a pregnant man, mention of actual historic torture techniques *looks at Keith*

When did Lance start lying to those he was close with? He lied to his best friends about being sick, he lied to Keith and his entire pack about being innocent and not being a hunter, he lied to a government official about being sick so he could sneak off with the enemy-not-enemy, he lied to his family about having nights off. Why did lying feel so good?

Was it because you had a secret, something no one else knew? Was it because you felt like you were getting away with something? Was it because of the excitement of doing something forbidden? Was it because by telling lies, you felt false control over what others believed, what they did, them as a whole? Why? Why did it come so easily to some people, while others couldn't lie for shit? What was it about lying that was so enticing? So exciting? So scary? So forbidden? So wrong? So right? So fun? 

Lance didn't know, but he did know how addictive lying could easily become, because he kept doing it. He lied just that morning after breakfast to his family, his family, saying he needed to go to work. When in reality, he went off sneaking into the woods to see a cute guy. 

He tried to justify them, his lies upon lies upon lies, as anyone would. Telling himself he was doing it to keep the innocent people of Altea safe from wolf walkers, monsters, by infiltrating their home base and reporting back to the Garrison when the time was right about his findings so that they could exterminate the wolves and direct their attention on fighting the Empire and Zarkon. 

Only, their home base turned out to be their actual home, a home with children and babies and families and friends and innocent lives. Only, their leader turned out to be a cute boy who cared about others, human and wolf walkers alike, cared about his people. Only, the wolf walkers might be fighting their own battles against Zarkon and could actually be a strong potential ally. Only, Lance learned the Garrison had been lying to everyone by using the innocent people that they're supposed to protect as bait with no regard for their safety, whether they lived or died.

When did everything get so complicated? Lance was mulling over all of this when he made it out of the lively woods and into Keith's village. He wandered around for a bit, checking Keith's house for him. Nothing. Lance went back to the main square where most of the market was to see if Keith was there. Nothing. Fishing dock? Nothing. Farming fields! Nope. Maybe in the woods... no Keith there.

Lance had wandered around for a while longer before asking a man selling home-grown vegetables and homemade baked bread if he knew where Keith was. The man said he last saw Keith by Shiro's, so that's where Lance went, facepalming for not thinking about asking Shiro.

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