Meeting of The Lords; Desperate Escape

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(Our story continues with Deimos being held captive by this man with a hammer, as the pieces of scrap metal falling off of him)

(Heisenberg): Oh quit your whining: We're almost there!

(Deimos passes out again)

(He soon wakes up again as a meeting is being held right in front of him)

(???): Out of the way ugly! I wanna see!

(A small doll wearing a dress pushes away a hunchback man before taking another gander at Deimos)

(Deimos yells in terror from the doll's appearance, which also draws the attention of the others)

(Deimos): What the hell?! What is this?!

(He tries to break free of his shackles)

(Heisenberg): Rise and shine Sleeping Beauty!

(Deimos brings his eyes forward, towards the woman who caused his mission in the first place)

(Deimos): You! I know you! You're Miranda! What the hell are going to do with an innocent child?!

(Miranda): You'll understand soon enough. Heisenberg, the man's fate is in your hands.

(Lady Dimitrescu): Mother Miranda I must protest! Heisenberg is but a child and his devotion to you is questionable. Give the mortal to me and I will ensure he is ready.

(Heisenberg): Shut your damn hole! And don't be a sore loser! Go find your food somewhere else.

(Lady Dimitrescu): Quiet now child! Adults are talking.

(Heisenberg): I'm the child? You're the one arguing with Miranda's decision!

(Lady Dimitrescu): You wouldn't know responsibility if it was welded to your hammer!

(Heisenberg): Oh keep growing! One day it may actually fit your ego!

(Angie): Ooooo! Fight fight fight fight!

(Deimos): Um don't I get a say in this?

(Miranda): SILENCE! I have made my decision, there will be no argument. Remember from whence you came!

(Heisenberg): Thank you.

(The room in question begins to echo with the sounds of Lycans)

(Deimos): Oh shit.

(Heisenberg): Lycans and gentlemen, thank you so much for waiting patiently! And now, let the games begin!

(He looks down upon Deimos and knelt down)

(Heisenberg): Let's see what you're really made of, Deimos. Get ready.

(Heisenberg raises his hammer)

(Deimos): Ayo wait hold up!!

(Heisenberg smashes his hammer on Deimos' chain's so he can run)

(Lycans begin surrounding Deimos as Heisenberg begins counting down from ten, making Deimos get on his feet and run to an exit hole)

(As soon as jumps down, the chase begins)

(Heisenberg): Showtime!

(Deimos runs for his life through Heisenberg's gauntlet, desperately searching for an escape)

(Heisenberg): That's right! Run for your life!

(He made his way towards what appears to be an exit, but the Urias gets in his way and attempts to smash Deimos with his hammer, but our hero jumps out of the way and slides down a hole into another room)

(Heisenberg): You're still alive? Impressive...

(Deimos looks at the ceiling and sees another trap, primed and ready to go)

(Deimos): Oh fuck!

(He smashes his way through through a weak barrier and continued forward)

(Heisenberg): Haha! You really are as strong as they say.

(He enters one last room with the exit, unfortunately that was blocked by one final seemingly unavoidable hurdle)

(Deimos): Oh shit!

(Heisenberg): Oh, you didn't think I'd let you get away, did you?

(Deimos backs up against the wall behind him)

(Heisenberg): Gotta keep Donna and Moreau entertained! So now it's time, for the beautiful, blood-soaked, grand finale! Hahaha!

(Deimos spots a small hole and squeezed in it to avoid this last death trap)

(Heisenberg): Nothing like fresh American ground beef!

(But he pits his hand up and lets the blades break his hand restraints)

(The gauntlet is over, and Deimos crawls under the non-functional death trap)

(Deimos): That bitch is gonna pay for this. Mark my words.

(Deimos makes his way out of the room and into the cellar room that he encountered Heisenberg in and brought the lever upwards, opening the door)

(After that, he follows the path to his first obstacle, Castle Dimitrescu)

(When he gets to the entrance, he's greeted by our jovial merchant)

(???): Ah, I've been waiting for you, Mr. Deimos.

(Deimos): How do you know my name?

(???): Word spreads fast across the village.

(Deimos): I guess that kinda makes sense. But I don't know who you are.

(Duke): Oh, I'm but a humble merchant. Call me the Duke.

(Deimos): A merchant huh? Well then, let's see what you gotta offer me.

(Duke): Very well. Weapons, upgrades, healing salves. Anything I can provide for you.

(After a bit of browsing, he purchased the Samurai Edge AW Model 1, after collecting the money needed from the village and Lycans)

(Deimos): Shiny new pistol. This'll come in handy.

(He places his new pistol in his second pistol holster)

(Deimos): I appreciate your service, Duke. I'm sure we'll cross paths again soon.

(Duke): Until our paths do cross again. Stay safe, Mr. Deimos.

(Deimos looks at the castle ahead and approached an alternative and secret entrance)

To be continued....

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