Meeting Chris; Mission Begins

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(Our journey with Deimos continues as he arrives at Nevada Airport, and when he steps out of his vehicle, he was met with a couple G-Men and one particular former B.S.A.A agent)

(Deimos walks up to him)

(Deimos): I assume your the one that called me up?

(Chris): That's right. Chris Redfield. I hope you're ready for this.

(Deimos): I've suffered through worse with my buddies so I'm sure I can handle it.

(Chris): Very well. Come on, I have a private jet just for us.

(Deimos follows Chris to his private jet and they soon take off for Europe)

(Deimos): All right Chris, is there more information about this mission?

(Chris): Yes there is. Here, have a look.

(He gives Deimos a folder containing more information about the search and rescue operation)

(Chris): Subject in question is named Rosemary Winters, the daughter of a couple I had an encounter with in Dulvey, Louisiana. We believe that the kidnapper is a priestess named "Mother Miranda". We don't know why she did this but I'm sure with your help we'll find out.

(Deimos): Christ man, this little girl is like 6 months old! Whatever this "Mother Miranda" character is trying to do, it feels extremely morbid.

(Chris): At least you get the understanding of the situation. So, are you going to help us?

(Deimos): Of course man, I mean I've seen some fucked up shit before, but this takes the cake. So yeah, I'll help get this kid back and stop Miranda.

(Chris): Welcome aboard then Deimos.

(They soon arrive at an airport based in Europe, and Chris drives Deimos to the designated area under the cover of darkness)

(Chris): This is it. Good luck, Deimos.

(Deimos): Not sure if luck is gonna help me here, but I'll keep my guard up.

(He gets out of the vehicle and Chris drives away into the night)

(Deimos): "All right, let's find this kid and go home."

(Deimos walks through the dark forest, only a singular torch lighting his way, but as he goes deeper through the woods, all kinds of eerie noises could be heard all around him)

(Deimos got a little disturbed and decided to pick up the pace until he reaches a small cabin)

(Deimos): Thank God, get me the fuck out of these woods.

(He enters the cabin and locks the door behind him)

(Deimos): Phew, I nearly shit my pants from that.

(He suddenly hears a crashing sound deeper inside the cabin, which startled Deimos and causes him to draw his Glock as search for the origin of the sound)

(He soon comes upon the stairwell to the basement)

(Deimos): "Goddammit, I hate basements..."

(Deimos goes into the basement and searches for the noise, until an even louder crash comes from upstairs, which makes Deimos fall flat on his ass in fright)

(He picks up his Glock and goes back upstairs to investigate, only to be blocked access from the doorway due to a fallen cubbard)

(Deimos): Dammit.

(Deimos decided to crawl under the fallen cubbard to not attract attention by knocking it down)

(Deimos soon gets on his feet and saw a hole in the ceiling)

(Deimos): What the hell did this?

(Luckily it was now day-time and Deimos goes outside to continue forward to the area, until he stumbles upon an overlook view of the village below, as well as the castle in the distance)

(Deimos): Chris, I'm here. I can see the village, as well as a castle.

(Chris answers on the radio)

(Chris): Good job Deimos, proceed with the mission and find any evidence of Rose's presence.

(Deimos): Roger that. *Sigh* Let's get to work.

To be continued.....

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