10 • dancing queen

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After talking with John B, Melody decided it would be best to not stay there for the night so she texted Kie to see if she could stay the night, and of course the girl said yes

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After talking with John B, Melody decided it would be best to not stay there for the night so she texted Kie to see if she could stay the night, and of course the girl said yes. So she picked her up and took her to her house in the nice part of Town. She just needed a break from the boys for the night and Kie was the best option.

"What color do you want?" Kie asked her, holding up and box full of nail polish.

Melody's eyes scanned the box before they landed on a really pretty teal color. "That one!" Kie grabbed it out and the two plopped on her bed and began to paint their toes. "So I need to talk to you." Melody started, swiping the color on her toenail.

Kie glanced up at her from her toes. "Are you pregnant?"

The blondes eyes widened, "What? No!"

The two laughed and Kie asked, "Then what is it?"

Melody hesitated, scared to tell her. "Um.. John B kissed me." She started off small.

Kiara froze, most likely thinking about what it meant. "Did you -uh- did you kiss him back?" She squeaked out.

Melody shook her head, "No, but why'd you ask like that? Do you like him?" She felt worried, thinking that she upset her by telling her.

The other girl shook her, "No, I mean, at least I don't think I do. He kissed me the other day after the light house and I told him I wanted to stay as friends."

Melody was a little shocked at the statement. She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Let me guess, he told you that he is in love with you too?" She asked her sarcastically then muttered,"Fucking boys."

Kie's eyes widened and she froze again. "No, he didn't tell me that. He told you that he was in love with you?" Melody nodded her head, avoiding her stare. "What happened? Wait what? What about JJ? Spill the tea, sister."

It's like they completely forgot about painting their toes as the conversation was too important. "He told me a story from when we were kids and said that was when he started to fall for me. And I don't know what to do, Kie. I love him so much but not like that. He is the closest thing I have to family and I don't want to lose him."

Kie nodded slowly, "What did you tell him though?"

"I told him that I thought I was in love with someone else and he-"

Kiara's eyes widened. "Is it JJ? Please tell me it's not JJ."

Melody laughed nervously. "Um... is the rule really that serious?" She asked.

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