Chapter 15: Second Date

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With Lana and August's help, I set up my boxcar to look romantic and date-like. Then I started making the pasta while they went to try and pull Anna out of her boxcar. I really hope this works. I want her to know I feel bad about rejecting her like that. That it wasn't about not wanting her. That it was old principles from when I was... I shook my head and concentrated on the food. While I cooked the pasta, I also made the Alfredo sauce.

"Little bit of basil. Little bit of parsley," I muttered under my breath. "A little garlic."

There needs to be something else. Like some kind of dessert or something. I think I have some cocoa powder and chocolate chips. I might be able to make brownies. I looked through my cabinets and found all of the ingredients. I started making brownies while I waited for Lana and August to get Anna out of her boxcar. Right as I put the brownies in the oven, I glanced out my window and saw Anna blindfolded. Lana and August were carefully leading her over.

I brushed off my hands and pulled off my apron, hanging it up. I quickly threw on a nice pair of slacks and a shirt. Just in time, too. Lana knocked on my door and I walked over, opening it. My mouth dropped open when I saw Anna as she pulled off the blindfold.

"Wow. And I thought I understood beautiful." Anna snorted and looked down at the ground, biting her lip.

"Why am I here?" Anna asked, still not looking at me.

"You're here because I want to apologise for what I said.  I want to give you a real date."

"We had a real date, Sebastian.  It ended with you rejecting me.  I got the message."

"I don't think you did, Annamarie.  There are quite a few messages that I didn't relay well."  Anna looked up at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Really?  And how do you plan on apologising to me for screwing up what you said?"  I chuckled and looked down at my feet, clasping my hands.

"Well, I was thinking I'd make you your favorite dish and some dessert.  I made double chocolate brownies."  Anna flashed me a surprised look.

"You? Baking?" I snorted.

"Yes. I can, in fact, cook and bake. If you come in, I can show you a few things." Anna hesitated as she glanced at Lana and August, who nudged her gently. She sighed and looked at me again.

"Okay. Fine." Lana and August grinned and walked away. "But nothing happens that I don't want to have happen. I say no, it doesn't happen." I nodded, smiling.

"Good. Because you'll like what I have planned." Anna snorted as I stepped to the side to let her in. I shut the door as she sat down at the table.

"I'll admit, it does smell pretty good in here."


When Lana and August told me I needed to get dressed into something date appropriate, I became really suspicious.

"Why are you two so interested in me putting on a nice dress tonight? What do you two have planned?" August laughed lightly.

"Just get dressed and we'll tell you later." I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"So, what should I wear?" Lana pulled out several dresses and laid them on my cot.

"So, what should I wear?"  Lana pulled out several dresses and laid them on my cot

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