Chapter 8: Rescue, Part 1

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Two weeks have gone by!  Two weeks!  Why hasn't Pierre made another move?  I paced back and forth in my boxcar, hoping an answer would come to me.  He attacked us and I defended.  He knows he has something...or rather, some people I want.

"You do know pacing will not help you find the answers you want or need, right?"  I glared at Sebastian, who was sitting at my kitchen table, drinking a glass of red wine.

"It helps me get some of my stress out."  Sebastian shot me a wink.

"I know another way to get your stress out."  I rolled my eyes.

"Dream on."  Sebastian chuckled and continued to drink his wine.

"If it makes you feel any better, I have an idea as to where he's keeping your friends and parents."  I whirled around to face him, eyes wide.

"You do?"

"Yes, and if he acted as I think he did, he hasn't ripped their souls out yet because he wants to do it at the moment that it will hurt you the most."

"Well, that definitely would explain why I haven't seen them around the carnival.  If he's keeping them somewhere, we can find them and rescue them."

"Precisely!  We just have to get someone to tell us the structure of the place and what all of the exits are."  I crossed my arms and shot Sebastian a look.

"I thought you said everyone here was just a soul detached from a body, except for you and Pierre."

"They are, but Pierre has...golems, I guess, that essentially do his bidding."

"So...we need to steal one and force it to help us or something?"  Sebastian cringed.

"More like, you need to change who it obeys, with your magic."


"Well, magic is tied to emotions and thoughts, right?"


"Maybe if you will the...programming, I guess, of the golem to obey you, they will help us, more specifically, you, rather than Pierre."  I nodded.

"That...could work.  Jasmine says I've been getting better at controlling and using my magic, so I could probably do that.  So, that leaves the question of, where do we get one of Pierre's golems?"  Sebastian smiled mischievously.

"From Pierre's palace, of course.  That's where he's also keeping your loved ones."

"And you know this how?"

"That's where he kept me when he was deciding whether to take me up on my offer or not."

"Hm.  So, we're just gonna waltz up and grab one of his golems?"  Sebastian shook his head.

"No, we're going to have to grab one, turn it into one of ours and rescue your loved ones all on the same mission."  I stared at him.

"You're insane."  Sebastian grinned.

"Maybe just a little bit.  But, honestly, if we just grab a golem and leave, Pierre is bound to notice.  He'll expect us to come again and will ramp up his security.  He may even set a trap for us."  I uncrossed my arms and sighed.

"So, we don't have really a choice.  Either we do it all at once or we don't do it at all."  Sebastian nodded at me.


"Okay.  Then, we're doing it.  I can't leave my friends or my parents in the hands of that monstrous psychopath."  I started towards the door when Sebastian stood up and put an arm out.

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