Chapter 17: Trickery

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"Annamarie! Help!" I pushed out my chair, startling Sebastian. He bumped his head on the table as I got up and ran for the door. I pulled it open and saw August trying to stop Lana from walking toward the carnival.

"Lana! What are you doing? Stop!" I yelled. I ran out, with Sebastian on my heels. Then I heard it.

"Lana! Help me! Pierre captured me! I need your help!" I ran toward Lana and grabbed her hand.

"Lana, I'm right here. I don't need help. I'm safe." Lana looked at me with empty, glassy eyes. I froze, giving her time to shake me off and keep walking. "Lana!"

I reached out and grabbed her hand again as I let my power flow through me to her. Suddenly, a huge wave of power shot out, knocking me off my feet. I screamed and threw my hands out, feeling my power rush through me. There was a light so bright that I had to close my eyes. I hit the ground and when I opened my eyes, everyone was laying on the ground, including Lana. I groaned and sat up, looking around.

"Lana!"  I jumped up and ran over to my friend, dropping to her side.

"Annamarie, what'd you do?"

I looked up at August, who'd gotten up and walked over, stopping a little ways away.  She was giving me a fearful look.  Is she afraid of me?  Or afraid for Lana?

"I...I don't know!  I was trying to stop her from getting retaken by Pierre!"  My hands shook as I gently reached for Lana's throat to check her pulse.  "She...she doesn't have a pulse!"  August stared at me as she ran over and shoved me away.

"What?  Move!"  She immediately began CPR as I stumbled to my feet and backed away.  Please be okay, Lana.  Please be okay.  I felt arms wrap around me and looked up to see Sebastian holding me close.

"It'll be okay, love.  Don't worry."

August switched from CPR to two quick breaths.  Then she continued with compressions. Oh, my God. I did this. I did this to Lana. August turned to face me after a few minutes of doing CPR on Lana.

"You did this, Annamarie! You fix it! Now!" I stared, terrified.

"What...what if I can't, August?" August grabbed my arms and gave me a pleading look.

"Please, Anna! You know why I can't lose her! Please!" I glanced at Sebastian and saw him nodding at me.

"You can do this, love. Just breathe. Clear your mind. Don't forget what Jasmine taught you."

I nodded and dropped to Lana's side again. I took a slow, deep breath and put my hands over her body. Please let this work. Please let this work. I closed my eyes and let in all of the natural magic around me. I let it fuel my power and flow through my hands to Lana. For a few minutes, it felt as though I were invincible as if I could do anything. Then the feeling faded and I opened my eyes to look at Lana.


I jumped when Anna pulled away from me and smacked my head on the underside of the table, dropping the fork.  Then I heard the scream.

"Annamarie!  Help!"

As I started to climb out from under the table, I saw Anna running for the door.  I got up and chased after her as she pulled open the door and ran out.  I dashed after her when I saw August trying to stop Lana from walking away from the boxcars.  She looked as though she were in a trance, not even hearing August's pleas.  Where the bloody hell does she think she's going?

"Lana!  Help me!  Pierre captured me!  I need your help!"

I froze when I heard Anna's voice and looked at her, confused.  It can't have been her.  She's right here.  She's been here with me the entire time.  Anna grabbed Lana's hand and tried to pull her out of her trance.  Lana shook her off and kept walking.  Anna reached out for Lana again when there was a bright light.


I started to launch forward for Anna when I was knocked off my feet.  Then I hit my head and everything went black.  When I opened my eyes again, Lana was on the ground and Anna was rushing over to her.  What the bloody hell just happened?  I groaned and sat up, looking around.  The grass in the area around us had been flattened and looked like it was dying.  August jumped up and rushed over.  She stopped several feet away, with a panicked look on her face.

"Annamarie, what'd you do?"

"I...I don't know!  I was trying to stop her from getting retaken by Pierre!"  I carefully stood up and slowly started toward Annamarie.  She checked Lana's pulse and her face went white.  "She...she doesn't have a pulse!"  August gave Anna a horrified look as she ran over and pushed her out of the way

"What?  Move!"

She began chest compressions as Anna wobbled to her feet.  She stepped back, her face pale.  I walked a little closer and slid my arms around Anna, trying to comfort her. She looked up, fear evident in her eyes.

"It'll be okay, love.  Don't worry."

August gave Lana two quick breaths and then went back to compressions.  A few minutes later, August turned to face us.  She had a fearful, angry look on her face.

"You did this, Annamarie! You fix it! Now!" Anna completely froze up.

"What...what if I can't, August?" August reached for Anna and gripped her arms tightly.

"Please, Anna! You know why I can't lose her! Please!" Anna flashed me a quick look and I nodded down at her.  She can do this.  She's much more powerful than she gives herself credit for.

"You can do this, love. Just breathe. Clear your mind. Don't forget what Jasmine taught you."

Anna nodded slowly and knelt beside Lana again. She breathed in slowly and deeply.  Then she held her hands over Lana's body.  As Anna began to use her magic, a light flowed around her and Lana.  When it became too bright to look at, August and I averted our eyes.  Then the light faded and I looked at the two girls in front of me.  Lana was sitting up, breathing quickly, and Anna was shakily getting to her feet, backing away.  I caught her as her legs gave out under her and scooped her up.

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