Chapter 27: Paige

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Paige P.O.V

I reach out and opened the front door. I walked inside to find cardboard boxes piled near the table. "Sorry, I stopped by earlier this week to put boxes there." Ryder clarifies and I smiled at his thoughtfulness. "Paige, I think I will start by moving the furniture outside. So take your time and sort through your things." He suggests. I nodded. I watch with amazement as he lifts the couch with ease. I gasped and rushed over to him. He laughs at my bewildered expression. "Relax, I got this sweetheart." He teases. He walks away, carrying it.

I stared at his muscled back. I know you're staring. He mind links me, making me blush. I turned away and made my way upstairs. I needed to get my head out of the gutter. I grabbed a box and walked into my room. I quickly packed my clothes and books. I taped the box up and wrote my name on it. I walked into my parents' room. I took a deep breath as I opened the closet. Most of my dad's stuff was thrown away as it made mom's episodes worse.

I packed up her things and went to the bedside table. I opened the drawer to find mom's collection of letters. Her collection of stamps and my dad's chess set. Memories of my childhood flooded my mind. I felt strong arms wrapping around my waist and I turned to see Ryder. I didn't realise that I was crying but I quickly wiped my tears away. Ryder lets go of me and reluctantly steps aside. His eyebrows are furrowed together with concern. I shovel the items into my box.

I decided to donate several things as I knew that others can find a use for it. By the time I finished, Ryder had finished with furniture about two hours ago. He silently helped me gather my things together. Later, some wolves came over and I donated the furniture. Two wolves were carrying the couch and my wolf purrs at our mate's strength. "Ready to go over?" He asks, calmly. I look over at the house that I loved so much. A house that I had spent 18 years of my life in. It was a new start.

I turned to see Ryder carrying boxes and I nodded. We went out and arrived at the packhouse. Ryder led me into his room which was an utter mess. Shirts were everywhere. His cheeks turn pink as I giggled. "One sec." He mumbles as he shuts the door leaving me in the hallway. The door opens and I see the room is way cleaner now. He scratches the back of his neck, his eyes staring at me. I took a look at his room. I looked at his bedside table to see a picture of me playing with the children. Ryder scrambles over and slams the frame down. "Shit." He swears under his breath as I felt my face heat up.

"Paige, if you're not comfortable staying with me. I can always provide another room for you to stay in." He says, quietly. I shook my head as I knew that I wanted to know him better. I promised Gianna to try. "I want to get to know you more," I said, nervously putting down the box that I was carrying. Ryder smiled, the sight of his dimple on his right cheek made my heart skip a beat. "When did you take that photo?" I asked, looking at the photo frame. He looks at me, shifting from one foot to the other. "That's a private photo, you weren't supposed to see it." He says, after a long pause. I giggled at his response. "That's a photo of me. I think I deserve to know." I say, with a smile on my lips.

"I'll tell you when I'm ready." He answers, the tips of his ears turning slightly pink. Ryder shows me an empty closet and I start unpacking my clothes. He reaches inside my box and grabs my stash of tampons. I blush as I yank them out of his hand. "Why are you embarrassed, mate?" He asks, looking confused. "You-I- I'm sorry. I guess you guys might find it disgusting." I whispered, remembering the way a guy reacted to me getting my period in class. "It is only natural. I am your mate and I will take care of you. There is nothing shameful." He says, tenderly. My heart flutters at his words.

The rest of the unpacking went smoothly except when he found my underwear. His grey eyes turned black but he took a deep breath. I found myself smiling as I caught him staring at me. Louise calls us for dinner and we walk down. We make our way to the table to see Chase lazily settling up the table. Chase smirks widely as he sees us. "Did you see the photo?" He questions, making Ryder glare at me. He pestered me to give that photo to him after he had recovered and Liam gave him back control. Chase elaborates through the mind link. I looked over at Ryder who pulls out my chair. I hold back a smile as he shoots Chase a look of warning. Not fast enough, unfortunately.

Wesley and Gianna walk in. Gianna shoots me a smile as she sees me sitting beside Ryder. Dinner quickly passes. Louise tells us to leave the washing to Chase so we could send Gianna and Wesley off. Gianna gives me a big hug while Wesley gives Ryder a bro hug. "Come to my territory by the end of the week to let me know how it goes." She whispers, quietly so no one else hears. I nodded. "Thank you, Gianna. I don't know where I'd be without you." I say, making Gianna roll her eyes. "We're family, Paige!" She says, sassily.

We wave as they walk away. I glanced to see Ryder with a small smile. He gives me a worried look as he finds me looking at him. I shook my head. Today, I saw sides that I never knew he had. I didn't want to admit it but he was worming his way into my heart.

And to think that it was only the first day of the week.

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