Chapter 15: Paige

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I heard a loud sigh. "Fuck this shit." Liam mumbles, I sigh in relief as I hear him walk away. My relief was clearly short-lived. As I found myself, covering my head as Liam ripped the bathroom door off the hinges. I run and hide behind the shower curtain. He pulls the shower curtain aside. He growls and lifts me into his arms. I hurriedly wipe away my tears. He sits down in the empty bathtub and places me on his lap, facing me. "What the fuck happened?" He asks, distressed. His hand caresses my injured arm. I sniff and look into his eyes. "No, you won't fucking say that it's nothing." He snaps, as I open my mouth. I look away from him. He cups my face in his hands. "Let me in." He whispers, his voice soft.

That was the last straw. I burst into tears. His arms pull me close. I bury my face in his chest. My tears are soaking his shirt. He kisses my head. I fist his shirt in my hand and lean against him. After I'm all cried out, he coaxes me to talk to him. "Today, mom seemed like she was doing fine. But-but" I started, my voice shaky. To encourage me to keep talking, Liam kisses my forehead and I unconsciously take a sniff of his scent to gather myself together. "She wanted to go home. And-And she got really angry." I whispered.

The bedroom door opens and Chase holds up a phone. Liam growls, Chase scampers off but leaves the phone on the floor. Liam picks up the phone. It turns out to be a phone call from Dr. Louis who was worried about my well-being. He explains what happened and I calm myself as Liam listens. The phone call ends and Liam is all over me. "Sweetheart, I'm so sorry." He says, his hands rubbing my back. I wrap my arms around his neck and nuzzle his neck.

"I'm sorry that you had to see that. I'm okay now." I said, giving him a watery smile. He frowns and carries me to bed. "Paige, I'm your mate. It's okay to be not okay." He says, as he reaches over and wipes tears away from my face. "Your pain is my pain. I'm not going to let you shoulder this alone." He says. I sniffed. I relax in his warm embrace and we lie there in silence for a while. His hands gently stroked my hair.

"I'm sorry that I made your shirt wet. And for making you break the door." I whispered. He rolls his eyes at me. "I would let you rip all my clothing if it kept you smiling." He says, gently. My wolf whimpers and I rest my forehead against him. I close my eyes, feeling drained by the visit. Liam taps my shoulder to get my attention."Paige, promise me something." He says, solemnly. I gulped and nodded. He looks at me with concern in his eyes. "Promise me that the next time you visit your mother that you will take me along. Scratch that, I am coming with you. No matter what." He says, his stern expression softens. "I promise," I replied, rewarded with a kiss on my nose.

He gently sets me down. He starts to walk away but I grab the end of his shirt. He turns to look at me with surprise in his eyes. He returns and kisses my forehead. "Darling, let me just run you a warm bath. You can freshen up. How about I read you some Harry Potter?" He suggests, making me crack a smile. I let go of his shirt and he goes to fill up the bathtub. He returns and we cuddle on the bed. As soon as the bathtub is full, I step into the bathroom. Liam sheepishly places the door back on. I giggled.

I turned to look at my red-rimmed and puffy eyes. My hair was everywhere. I was a complete mess. I smile as I remembered how sweet Liam was to me. I go into the bath, instantly feeling better. Today was a bad day. It was just another one of her episodes. I visit her, again. I make sure that it would go better. Once I am out, I slip on one of Liam's shirt and walk out. Liam grins as he sees me and gestures me to sit beside him.

He dries my hair gently. "I didn't know your hair got curly when it got wet." He remarks, pulling me on top of his lap. He puts away the dryer and I watch as he strips down to his boxers. I get into bed. I try to gape as his muscles tense as he reaches over to pick up the book. He slides in beside me and he spoons me. He begins reading. His voice relaxes my wolf and me. "That's not where we left off," I said, he raises his eyebrow at me.

"Really? Show me where little Miss Sassy Pants." He replies, teasingly. I lead his finger to the word and ignore the heat of his gaze. "The Moon Goddess sure put her time into creating you. Goddess, you're gorgeous." He says, under his breath. I blush at his words and turn away. He chuckles, his eyes return to the book. He resumes reading. His melodious voice fills my ears. He distracts me and for the first time in years, I feel cared for. Like I mattered. I watch his eyes focused on the book and I knew that I couldn't deny my feelings for him.

Soon drowsiness hits me, I struggle to keep my eyes open. Liam puts down the book and kisses my cheek. "Sleep." He says as I snuggle closer to him. He cradles me against his chest and before I fall asleep, I heard him whisper something that I couldn't quite hear. I fall into a deep slumber in the arms of my mate.

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