Chapter 1: Paige

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I look at my outfit one more time before heading out of my bedroom. Today was a big day, my eighteenth birthday which was also the day that I would meet my soulmate. I grinned as I made my way downstairs. I put on my apron and get started on breakfast. I hear light footsteps and turn to see my mother. "Paige!! I would have made breakfast for you today! It's your big day." She says, looking disheveled. I smiled and gave her a hug.

"Mom! You know I love cooking. Besides I can't sit still right now." I replied, making her giggle. The truth was my mom was not the same anymore since dad passed two years ago. Dr. Jones had told me that her wolf was dying without her mate and it was only a matter of time before she would join him. I lead her back to the dining table where she takes a seat.

"I remember when I met your father. I spilled coffee all over his shirt and when I looked up to apologise, my eyes met his. And I knew that he was everything that I ever needed." She explains, with a wistful look on her face. I placed a toast on her plate with small servings of peas and bacon as I knew she did not eat much recently. I quickly eat from the frying pan and wash my hands.

"I'll see you later!" I exclaimed, kissing her on the cheek and leaving for school. As soon as I left the house, I let out a sigh of frustration. It was hard to see my mom wither away. The pack doctor, Dr. Jones advised me to not interrupt her fantasies as it often resulted in my mother having a mental breakdown. I was simply to leave her in her thoughts. Strangely enough, seeing my mom like this made me crave a mate even more.

All of my life, I was ordinary and never had a passion for anything. I wanted a love that my parents had. A love that consumed every inch of your soul. I headed to school with butterflies fluttering in my chest. I was soon greeted by the busy atmosphere of the school. I found my friend, Amelie sitting down on the bench next to her mate, James. He was whispering something in her ear and I smiled as I watch her swat his arm away from her affectionately. I run up to her and she grins.

"TODAY'S THE DAY." She screams, looking excited for me. I laughed and give her a hug. James clutches his ears in pain. She links her arm in mine and drags me into the school. My wolf purrs as we are greeted by multiple scents. She yips excitedly. I can barely contain my smile. "As soon as you find your mate, we are going to DOUBLE DATE!!!!"

Amelie announces, waving her arms dramatically. In the corner of my eye, I see James looking at her with adoration. I hold back a laugh as I remembered how James was before he met Amelie. He was cold with everyone and never smiled. It was like he had never seen the sun but now Amelie was his sun. Amelie grabs his hand and drops me off at my locker.

"We'll see you later. Hope you find him!!" She calls over her shoulder. I pull out my books from my locker and place them into my bag. I slowly walk to my class, hoping that I would crash into him. But no, I make it to English class without any interruption. Mr. Sanders looked at me and beckoned me to come forward. "Paige, I heard that you're not attending college. Why? We both know that you're beyond capable." He questions, making my stomach twist nervously.

He looks at me sternly and I know that its not a question that I can avoid. "I'm really unsure of what to study and I decided to have a gap year." I say, the lie coming out smoothly. I had grown used to saying this. Mr. Sanders' eyes soften and he says, "Paige, your mother wouldn't want you to lose opportunities by staying to take care of her." I shook my head. He didn't understand.

You think that people are around you forever but our time with them are limited and I didn't want my mother to spend her last days alone. She was my everything to me. "It's not like that sir." I replied, as the bell rings signalling the start of class. The class passes as I focus and take notes as Mr. Sanders talks of Anna Karenina.

The bell rings and before I can head out of the classroom, Mr. Sanders taps my shoulder. "Just think over it." He pleads as I nod and leave. I walk into the hallway as I hold back tears of frustration. The most delicious scent hits me. I follow the scent down into a quiet hallway. There is no one in sight but a song arm grabs my waist pulling me into a dark space.

I find myself pressed up against ... Ryder Black, the alpha of my pack. He places his hand over my mouth and drags me out of the janitor's closet into an empty classroom. I gaze at him as he checks our surroundings. His tousled dark brown hair with deep gray eyes. His chiseled body and his flawless jawline. My wolf and I were drooling. He was hot, mindblowingly hot.

He snaps his head to me and sighs. "Paige Smith?" He asks, his voice making my wolf go mental. I nod, nervously. "I wasn't expecting this today. Paige, you know of Ashley?" He questions, making my stomach drop. Ashley was the luna that he had chosen a month ago.

"Are you in love with her?" I ask, forcing myself to keep my voice from cracking. He looks at me with regret in his eyes. "Yes. I cannot feel the same way for you." He explains, making me swallow. It was clear what he was planning to do. He was going to reject me. "I reject you, Paige Turner as my mate and luna." He says, his voice monotone. I hold back my urge to scream as pain rips through my body. He then turns and leaves without another word. I crumble on the floor and whisper, "I accept your rejection." 

My knees shake and the world turns black as I uttered these words. 

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