Chapter 30: Ryder

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I opened my eyes to be greeted by the sight of my mate curled up against my chest. Her plump lips are slightly parted. Her cheek is nestled against my chest. Her eyelashes rest on the top of her cheeks. Goddess, she was stunning. I grinned as I wrapped my arm around her, pulling her closer. Our legs were tangled together. It had been three days since our date at the ice rink. Since then we've spent almost spent every second together.

At first, I tried to control my urges but slowly as days went on, I felt the tension was leaving our relationship. I gently kiss her the top of her nose. She lets out a little hmmph before burying her face into my chest. I played with her hair for a couple of minutes and she stirs. She blushes at our proximity but doesn't abruptly move away like yesterday morning. She shyly looks up at me and whispers, "Good morning" I lace my fingers through hers and smiled.

After three days, I had learned so much about my mate. How she mumbled in her sleep. How she clearly loved cuddling up to me. How she fiddled with her fingers when she was lost in thought. The way she sometimes smiled when she thought no one was watching. I fondly look at my little mate as she sits up. I kiss the back of her hand. "Paige?" I called her name, as she turns her head away from me. I chuckle as I see the tips of her ears turning slightly red. "I need to take care of some things but when I get back, would you like to go on a picnic with me?" I asked, softly.

She turns her head and I see a trace of a smile on her lips. "Okay." She replies, her thumb distractedly tracing circles on the back of my hand. I ignore the whines of my wolf as I let go of her hand to get dressed. I slip on a black t-shirt and some shorts. I walk downstairs into the kitchen where I pull out the basket. Matteo groans as he watches me struggle to spread peanut butter and jelly on the sandwiches. "Alpha, I mean no offense but with that cooking skills, Luna's not going to be impressed." He states, making me roll my eyes. With astonishing speed, he whips up a couple of sandwiches and fruits into Tupperware.

I shake my head in exasperation as I watch him put the Tupperwares into the basket. "You really had the nerve to watch me struggle when it's this easy for you?" I muttered under my breath. Matteo grins widely. "Never thought I'd see you trying so hard in the kitchen before." He says, teasingly. "Thanks for helping me," I said, making him turn around in surprise. I take the basket into my hand and start heading out when I hear him say, "I'm rooting for you, Alpha." I whipped my head around and give him a smirk. "You should know better than anyone else here. I never stop until I get something that I want." I say, assuring him. He laughs as I leave the kitchen with a grin.

I walk out of the kitchen calmly to see Chase with a disgruntled expression. He leads me into the study. "Ryder. What are you going to do if she leaves after a week?" He asks, shifting from his left foot to his right. "Let her go," I replied, calmly. He gasps and slams his fist into the wall. He turns to me with anger visible in his eyes. "SHE'S THROWING HER RESPONSIBILITY AWAY?!" He bellows, his hands shaking with fury. I growled at the disrespectful look in his eyes. "LISTEN, PAIGE HAS GONE THROUGH SHIT. I PUSHED HER AWAY AND SHE HAS EVERY RIGHT TO LEAVE." I roared, trying to keep my wolf from attacking. I took a deep breath to calm myself.

"She's giving me a chance after I didn't and if she leaves, it's more than enough. And if it makes her happy, there's nothing I wish more for. " I said, coldly. Chase looks stunned and gives me a guilty look. "I'm sorry. I-I didn't think." He stutters, making me roll my eyes. I sighed loudly. I put down the picnic basket onto the desk. I swallow the lump in my throat and say, "If anything happens to me, you're getting the Alpha title." I say, calmly. He opens his mouth to protest but I shake my head. "Go get your hand checked up by Dr. Jones. This matter is closed." I say, quickly picking up the picnic basket and leaving the office.

I make my way back to my room to find my mate sitting on the bed. She is wearing a sundress and she looks gorgeous. The dress compliments her green eyes and figure. "I'm sorry. Did I keep up waiting?" I asked, calmly. She shakes her head and makes her way towards me. She takes my hand with a smile. At that moment, my mate's touch and smile made me forget the worries of her eventual departure. I give her hand a squeeze and lead her out of the door.

We walk into the meadow and I set out a blanket for us to sit on. She giggles as she sees the sandwiches. "Thank Matteo for me." She says, making me pout. Her lips brush against my cheek as she sees my wounded expression. The breeze runs through her reddish-brown hair and her lips are curled up in a smile. Her dimples are visible and I knew that I would never forget the sight of her sitting between my legs with her green eyes sparkling with mirth. Despite, the short time we had spent together so far, she had given me more than anyone else ever had. A week of memories to cherish for the rest of my life.

I was truly the happiest wolf alive.

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