Chapter 9: Paige

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The next morning, I marched into Ryder's room, feeling anxious. I put down my bag which I hoarded many things that I could think of. After all, this was my first day of caring for Ryder. I watched carefully as Dr. Jones pulls out his bag from beneath his chair and reaches inside. He hands me the bandages and gives me a look. He demonstrates and informs me of when to change his bandages. "Are you sure that you can handle this?" He asks I nodded. He was my responsibility. He then leaves to check over other injured wolves.

I retie my ponytail. I roll up my sleeves and I take a deep breath as I gently roll the bedcovers off Ryder. I take off his shirt and start changing his bandages. The wound in his chest is healing nicely and I feel myself sigh in relief. My wolf thinks of dirty thoughts but I shake them away. "Focus. Focus. Focus." I whispered under my breath.

After changing his bandages, I wash his body and change his clothes. My wolf was whimpering at our mate's state. She longed to have him healthy and running. I missed Ryder's grey eyes. All I wished was for him to return to his daily life. To have him laughing and joking around with Chase and Ashley. To have me shut off my mind link whenever he got angry and yelled at other pack members. I swallowed nervously as I recalled Dr. Jones' words.

"Ryder is unconscious but he is able to hear your words and it would be good for you to encourage your patient." He said before he had packed his equipment to leave. I cleared my throat and felt butterflies in my stomach. I had no idea what to talk about. I looked at Ryder's face. I mustered some confidence and spoke. "Alpha?" I whispered, looking at him. My wolf encouraged me and I continued. "Today, Braxton and James were able to leave the hospital and their injuries are now fine. Ashley called me earlier to tell you that the negotiations with the alliance with the Red Moon pack is going fine. The warriors are working hard in their training and your wound is healing nicely." I say, my throat going dry and silence fills the empty room.

The door creaks as it opens and I see Chase enter the room. He does not acknowledge my presence. I bow my head in submission. My wolf demands me to raise my head. We are of higher rank! She declares but I ignore her as I am not Ryder's mate. He makes his way towards Ryder. I raise from the chair and leave the room to give them privacy. I sit outside the room. I hear Chase sit down and he begins to talk. "Ryder, all your work is taken care of. Seriously, I'm working my ass off. I'm not Alpha material, dude." He jokes his voice breaks.

"The packhouse isn't the same without you. We mess around all the time. I can't believe it but I miss your nagging. Louise even says that she misses your shitty cooking. Can you believe it? She misses getting food poisoning!" He continues. Chase starts talking about his new PlayStation and how he was going to kick Ryder's ass. I hold back a smile as Chase grows more comfortable with Ryder.

"Bro, you're about to be destroyed. My gaming skills are improving. Well, I have to get back to work. I have tightened the security of the pack borders and started training more wolves. By the time you wake up, I'll whip everyone into shape." He says, his voice gentle. He stands up and I get up from the floor. I step aside and let him pass. He stiffens and walks away from me. I step inside the room.

I puff up Ryder's pillow and readjust the bedcovers. I reached into my bag and pulled out a book. "I don't really know what you'd like to hear from me but I figured I could read aloud to you. I hope you like Harry Potter." I opened my tattered copy of Harry and the Philosopher's stone. I flip the book open to the first page. "Um. Harry Potter and The Philosopher's stone... Or the Sorcerer's stone." I say, my cheeks turning red at my awkward beginning. I start to read aloud and I stumble over words at first but I get better.

Time flies as I read and I take some breaks to check his condition. I stop at chapter 7 and decide that it was time for him to rest. I close the book and place a bookmark. The sound of children giggling reaches my ears and I look out Ryder's window as I watched the children play. My wolf yips excitedly as they wave at me and I wave back. I watched as they ran away.

I turned to face Ryder. I smiled as I wondered what his child would look like. Ashley and Ryder would make a beautiful child. The thought of a little grey-eyed boy convinced me to get moving. I needed Ryder in top condition for the future of the pack. After arguing with my wolf, I decided to try one last time to talk to him. "Alpha?" I whispered, watching his chest rise and fall slowly. "If you can hear me, please please please please wake up. Everyone is so worried. Chase looks dead and his hair was unkempt. Ashley is away but she has bags under her eyes. Please hang in there. I will take care of you." I pleaded, thinking of Chase's sad eyes.

"Please. Chase needs you. Ashley needs you. I-The... The pack needs you." I whispered. I bit my lip to hold back my selfish words. I did need him as my wolf was missing his. I silently hold his hand and listen to the sound of his steady heartbeat. My wolf relaxes in the comfort of being near her mate and my eyelids grow heavier.

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