Chapter: 026 - We put a big ass gun on it

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Outside the greenhouse
Amy pov

"Well, why don't we then?"

He leans in and so do I.

"Stop whatever your doing because I promise you this is more important." Ichigo says

"Ahem, Mhm." (Y/n) grunts

"Wait a minute, were you two?" Ichigo asks

"Nope, nuh uh, that is totally not what's happening." I say with a barely straight face

"Uh, what did you need?" (Y/n) asks

"Right, what he said." I say

"Zero Two is in the hanger bay." She says

"Well those 7 words are never good." He says

"Yeah no kidding, their right up there with 'we need to talk'." I say

Franxx hanger bay

"Oh please don't be breaking shit again." (Y/n) says as we run over to zero Two

"Oh there you two are." Zero Two says cheerfully

"Uh, what?" I ask

"I want you two to put this on strelitzia." She says as she hands (y/n) a paper with a hand drawn strelitzia on it with a very large shoulder- mounted cannon on it

"So, you want us to strap a giant ass gun on it?" He asks

"If that's how you want to put it sure." She says as she giggles

"Well then I hate to tell you that can't, I mean the amount of power needed for this thing alone, is insane, I mean we're talking about an amount of energy equivalent to the atomic bomb." He says

"Well I'm sure you'll figure something out, but for now I hear darling calling my name so, ta-ta." She says as she walks away

"Hm, I didn't know she could be anything other than a bitch to anyone other than her 'darling'." I say

"It's called sucking up, she's being nice to us because she wants something from us." He says

"Oh." I say

"Um we have a problem." He says

"What, what's wrong?" I ask

"I ran the calculations for her giant gun, if my math is right, if we build this thing and make 1 wrong calculation, when this thing fires it's gonna vaporize every thing in a 800 mile radius." He says

"But I thought you told Zero Two that it's impossible." I say

"Yeah, I may have lied to her, it is possible to build this thing, and even to put it on strelitzia, it's just a bad idea." He says

"Well then, what do you suggest we do?" I ask

"I suggest we consult BT about the calculations and go from there." He says

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