Chapter Four: Capture and Reveal

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He turned to Aangs direction and his jaw was left hanging open for second. Then Aang bounced right through Zuko and slid all the way towards me and the villagers.

Zuko was head first into the snow with his butt sticking up in the air, his helmet twirling on his butt. Chuckling, I high fived Aang. "Nice job, little dude. But seriously, couldn't you have waited another time for penguin sledding."

Aang laughed nervously while rubbing his neck. "But what's the fun in that if I don't knock a few Fire Soldiers over?" He said as he greeted Katarra, Gran, and Sokka. 

I stroked my chin in thought then nodded. "You do have a point, kid. Next time though, Aim for 3 then."

he smiled happily while nodding. Then he turned towards the glorious mess he created.


Unfortunately we got distracted for a second which Hothead took as an invitation to throw some fireballs around. 

Turning my head to Zuko I watched as he shot fire towards Katarra and Gran-Gran. With some reflexes and instincts, I brought a snow covered ice wall up to block the fire. Unfortunately, the wall was too thin and his anger shattered the ice. Instantly, I brought my arms up in an X to try and stop the fire reaching any further. I felt the familiar burns through the coat as I fell back against the villagers. Looking up through the pain, I faintly smile as I seen none of them was hurt. 

Sokka and Katarra let out shouts as they held me up. Black spots covered my vision as I murmured my siblings' names. I heard Gran-Gran in the background, ushering the villagers to grab some remedies and tools to cool the burnings. As I fell into a state of unconsciousness, I said, "That was some weak fire, Hothead."

Third P.O.V.

As Maki was knocked out, Katarra cried and Sokka comforted his sister. Anger flushed through his veins and lifted his eyes to the one that burned his other sister. As he set Katarra down and rose to his feet, he stormed half way to Zuko before Aang intercepted his path.

Aang blocked Sokka's wrath with his staff and spoke to Zuko, "If I go with you, will you leave this village alone?" 

Shouts of denial came from behind Sokka as Katarra ran towards them. Sokka held his sister back as she cried his name.

Zuko froze in shock and shifted out of a fire bending pose. He flashed his attention around looking at the villagers then towards the figure whimpering in pain behind them. Turning towards Aang, he nodded his head in agreement. 

Aang stepped forward as guards took his staff. He turned his head half towards the siblings and villagers. "Katarra. Sokka. Protect Appa for me will you? Let Makita know she protected her village well. It's my turn now to participate in this war." 

Aang walked forward as soldiers cuffed and walked him to the ship. Zuko started towards the ship also with his uncle until he stopped with a thought of guilt. Zuko then turned his body towards the villagers that blocked a certain figure. Thinking back, he thought of why and how she protected her village. Guilt racked through him to the point he called out to the soldiers.

"Men, grab the injured girl and bring her to the ship." New shouts of protests rang out as they walked towards the villagers.

 Katarra tried to protect her sister and Sokka stood in front of them. Then a voice silenced all arguments. Everyone stepped back as withered feet walked through the women and some children. And yes, children that left their safe igloo to see why their Big Sister warrior was hurt.

"Stand Aside, Katarra. Stand down,  Sokka." Said Grandmother Kanna as she held her cane down firmly. Katarra sat shocked as Sokka stood in front of her and the lifeless looking Makita. Gran-Gran Kanna narrowed her eyes towards the soldiers then shifted them to her grandkids. "Hand Makita over to the Soldiers, Sokka."

Katarra was bout shout in anger, but Sokka looked at her with frustrated and heart broken eyes.  He put a hand on her shoulder and whispered, "I don't like doing this any more than you, sister. But Gran-Gran IS protecting me, you and Makita the best way she knows how." 

He nodded his head to his grandmother and knelt to the ground. Hooking one hand under  Maki's legs and back, Sokka cradled his sister in his arms.

Maki started whimpering when her remedied burned arms settled atop of her body again. "I'm sorry, Maki. We will always love you. This is not the end, for we shall meet again very soon." He whispered lowly near her head. 

Sokka walked slowly to the soldiers with blazing eyes of fury. As he neared the guards, Sokka muttered loudly enough for the 2 guards to hear. "If any of you fire freaks hurt her anymore on that ship, her pain will be nothing compared yours." Each of the soldiers shuddered in anticipation if the watertribe boy told the truth.

Sokka then set Maki into one of the soldier's arms. Before he was bout to walk away, Sokka glanced over the fire nation scum and settled his gaze on the fire prince.

He scowled and a made promise to himself.

I will rescue Makita with everything I have.

Then he walked back to the rest of the village to try and protect them. One of the soldiers walked to Kuzo that was laying on the ground a feet from them. As the soldier grabbed the double sword, he noticed it felt heavier than an average weapon should.

As the soldiers, the prince and the old man walked up the ramp, Zuko stopped and lifted his head to the sky. "Finally, I'm going home."

Soon as everyone was loaded into the ship, the needle nose entry lifted up and closed. Soon Katarra, Sokka, and the tribe watched as it sped away into the mist.

Meanwhile on Zuko's ship

Zuko walked through the halls and up towards the deck with his prisoners behind him. With an aggravated sigh, he halted before the deck stairs. Turning around, Zuko motioned the soldier with the water girl forward.

"Take the girl down to an open room. I'll interrogate her when I have time. Uncle, follow them and make sure the damage isn't permanent." Zuko commanded each one with a job before his golden eyes landed on his prize.

Looking to the 3 soldier holding the avatar, he gestured towards the upper deck. "Take the avatar upstairs. Everyone else, back to your patrol shifts and duties!" 

Suddenly, everyone ran to their posts. The old General shuffled ahead down a hall with the 2 soldiers behind him.

Zuko walked up through the pathway followed by a few soldiers holding the avatar.
As Zuko looks to the sky, he thought for a moment of the future possibilities. Then turned his head towards Aang and smirked.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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