Chapter Three- Pop Goes the Avatar! Part 2

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                                                                           ~Chapter 2~


The arrow-head kid - Yea, that's my nickname for him- opened his eyes slowly, looking into Katarra's eyes. "Come closer....." She moved her face closer. 

I let a giggle loose and Katarra glared at me.

Suddenly, the arrow-head kid popped his eyes open. "Will you go penguin-sledding with me???"

Katarra tilted her head in confusion. "Uhh..... sure...?" i giggled. Shes grown up around the village, but I haven't taken her on those trips in years.

"Great!" the arrow-head kid jumped up from Katara.

Ohhh poor Katarra... Well she'll get a huge thrill when we get home. Besides the name "Penguin Sledding" is exactly what it means.

Then Sokka started poking his blade against the kids head. AGAIN.

I grabbed the blade in palm and glared at Sokka." Do you want me to break your toy, Sokka?" i squeezed the blade, blood pooled down my hand and onto the ice.

Not only will this hurt Aang but it will hurt Katarra too. She's already grown attached to the boy.

Sokka's eyes widen then he shook his head. I nodded and pushed the blade back. The momentum of the sudden movement made Sokka land on his butt.

I grabbed the ribbon that held the end of my long hair together, took it off to wrap my hand. He knows i will break his weapons, my expression shows it.

I sighed. i swung Kuzo across my back; he had a strap attached to the handle.

I looked at the arrow-head kid. "Hey kid. Tell us who you are. It's only right, ne?"

"My name.....?" he asked.

We all nodded, waiting in excitement.

"I'm..." he took a breath

Recap Ended.

 "I'm..." he took a breath.

"I'm........" he took a longer breath.

"i'm-" Suddenly he was gone, a sneeze could be heard from above. My eyes widened.

He sneezed! The boy freaking sneezed!!!!!

And flew like ten feet in the air!!!

i smacked my fist against my palm. THAT'S IT!

An Airbender!

Aang's isn't from the south so i wonder how an airbender got down here?

And judging by the clothes, and the sneeze he just gave, he's the last of the Airbenders. He's the last because all the air nomads were extinct for hundreds of years. But that still doesn't expl-

The Airbender suddenly dropped back down onto the ice and said, "i'm Aang!" He did all that with a smile.


Sokka's jaw dropped, Katarra started giggling.

But Un -Freaking- believable.....

Sokka pointed up at the air; not taking his eyes off of Aang, he said, "You just flew.... like... ten feet into the air!"

Aang looked up. "Really? it felt like more than that...." Now Sokka fainted from shock.

I sighed and sat down next to him and Katara smiled at our silliness. I picked Sokka's head up and put it in my lap, combing his hair.

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