Illusions and the Truth

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He grunted and said, "The name's Akira. And you are currently trapped in my chronicle's illusion." 

He cracked his bones and continued, "Right now, I'm not even here. Me defeating Mr. 'Bright Light' was just an illusion. Right now, he is passed out not because he's actually hurt, but because he thinks he is. Whatever the brain sees, it makes true. He isn't really hurt, but his brain saw him getting hurt, and it made him think he really is." 

"So you're saying that...chronicles an cast illusions?"

He looked at Aldia, "You're a smart little pawn, aren't you?"

Pawn?! What the heck is this guy babbling on about? Illusions? How come we didn't know about this?!

Akira's lips widened into a cunning smile. "I could tell you how to cast these illusions...for the right price, that is."

What does he want? Why should we listen to him? We don't need these stupid illusions! No, I wasn't thinking clearly. I took a few deep breaths and looked at this from a different perspective. 

My long thought process was interrupted by Aldia, who said, "What do you want?"

His smile didn't look cunning anymore. He looked like a maniac. "I want 2 things, actually. First of all, I want to play a little game of Shogi with you. If you win, I tell you about the illusions, how to cast them, ad you can get on with your little killing game. If you lose..." His eyes sparkled. "If you lose...I win your blood." He giggled like a psychopath. 

Our blood?! Was he going to kill us?!

"The second thing I to tell you the truth about this wretched game."

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