Dirty Laundry

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*RIIIIING, RIIIIING!!!!* It's 9 AM and my phone is ringing off the hook. I reach across the bed to my dresser and answer it with a very groggy, "Hello"?
"DUUUUDE, have you SEEN today's news?!?", screams the very excited voice of my friend Johnathan. Is he serious? Without answering him, I hang up. I haven't bothered watching the news or listening to the radio in weeks because of Bob Roberts. Mr. Roberts is an ignorant conservative folk singer who is running for office. His songs have been played countless times on the radio and his face is being plastered all over the media. I can't stand him. As a gay trans man and a liberal, I understand how crooked the American political system is and how awful conservatives are and how much they lie and cheat just to help themselves, but voices like mine are silenced because I have no "real" physical evidence and according to Mr. Roberts himself, I'm a "sexually deviant predator", so I've chosen to not give him any more attention than he's already getting. My friend Johnathan on the other hand IS giving him more attention and pressuring me to do so as well. Honestly, I'd rather die than listen to "Taking back the Times" on TV again. Anyways, I guess I should get on with my day. I get dressed and get to work writing and drawing. Thankfully, I work from home so I don't have to be bombarded by the media. As I'm working, I get a text from Roxanne, the owner and bartender of the gay bar downtown who I befriended. The text reads, "Hey, it's been a while, and with everything going on, maybe you could stop by tonight for a couple drinks? 😉". That sounds awesome actually. I text her back immediately replying, "Yeah absolutely, I'll be there around 7:00". It's been a while since I've actually looked forward to anything and I'm really excited. I get done working at around 5:00, so that means I have an hour and a half to get ready to leave. I need a shower and should obviously change into some nicer clothes. You never know what could happen, so you have to be a bit impressionable. Who knows, I might leave with a hot date. I take a shower, change clothes and leave the house five minutes early in order to be there on time. As soon as I walk in, the familar scent of musky colonge, sweat, beer, and burgers fills my nostrils. Wow, it has been a while, I really missed this place. Roxanne sees me and greets me with a big smile. "Hiya Lance, how you doing?", she beams. I smile back and respond by saying I've been doing alright. We chat for a minute as I order a burger and a Bud Light. "So there's this guy who's been here pretty regularly, he's kinda cute, nice voice and I think you might like him", Roxanne charms to me. I chuckle and ask, "Are you trying to get me a date"? She nods vigorously and says, "I think you might really like him, and I think he'd like you too." I raise my eyebrow suspicious at her judgement but I agree to let her help play matchmaker. "So, what's he like other than what you just told me?", I ask. Her smile softens a bit, she shrugs and says, "I'm not entirely sure, he pretty much keeps to himself, secretive type, but I do know that he doesn't like that folk singer who's been running for senator". I nod and feel a bit disappointed, a secretive type, but I guess we do have one thing in common. Roxanne brings me my food and as I start eating, she rushes over to me again and says, "That's him! He just walked in". I turn to look at the front door. The man standing there has fluffy, dirty blond hair. He's wearing a large gray coat and he looks a bit nervous. "HEY STEVE, COME HERE, THERE'S SOMEONE I WANT YOU TO MEET", Roxanne yells from across the bar. The man acknowledges her and heads towards me and Roxanne. Once he's closer I can see his face. He has deep hazel eyes, a crooked nose, and a thin smile. He looks directly at me. "Steve, this is my single and ready to mingle friend Lance, Lance this is Steve", Roxanne chirps. Steve quickly sits next to me and says, "Hi, you're cute". I giggle and respond, "Hello to you, and thanks". We start talking to get to know each other and I notice after a minute or two that he has not looked away from me once. He's staring at me like a wolf that hasn't eaten in three days. I ask questions and he answers them very quickly as if he's done this quite a few times before and it doesn't really reveal his personality or thoughts at all. He is pretty cute though, and Roxanne was right about his voice. His voice is deep and soothing and it makes me forget that he's answering my questions too quickly and staring at me aggressively. "It's getting a bit late, why don't we go somewhere for the night"?, he asks. Late? It's feels like I've only been here 15 minutes. I look at my watch and see that it's 10:35 PM. "Oh yeah, yeah of course, maybe we could go to your place-" I start to say. "NO, no how about your residence instead?", he says a bit harshly with a smile. I feel a bit confused, but shrug it off and simply agree that we should go to my house instead. Once we get there, I open the door, let him walk in first, and follow in after him. I warn him that my house isn't the neatest and explain that my occupation is a bit messy and causes clutter. He doesn't seem to mind at all and starts to peek in all the rooms. Now I'm even more confused, it's like he's looking for something, but I'm not sure what. "Do you live here alone?", he asks. I answer, "Yes, why"? He stops looking and approaches me with a big smile and says, "Seems a bit lonely, but it's also a good thing because we can have a bit of fun without disturbing anyone". I smile back at him and he takes my hand. He begins to lead me down the hall to the bedroom. Was he looking for the bedroom? I'm not sure. I'm feeling a bit anxious as we step into the bedroom. He takes off his coat, lays it on the bed and stands toe to toe with me still smiling and still staring. I almost try to say something but before I can he kisses my lips aggressively. I feel his huge hard bulge against me through his pants. Damn, wonder how long he's been hard, there's no way he got an erection that fast. His hands snake into my pants forcefully, and I feel his fingers bore into my asscheeks as he squeezes me tightly. I yelp into our kiss and it feels like his tounge in my throat. I almost gag. He stops squeezing and kissing me in an instant to pull my pants and boxers off in one fluid motion. Jeez he's moving insanely fast! He turns me around and pushes me making me fall forward onto the bed. Now I'm bent over the bed thinking what next? God, I hope he doesn't finish as quick as he starts. I glance behind me to see what he's doing. He licks his pointer and middle finger then strokes my groin roughly with them. I hear him unfasten his belt and his zipper unzip. Oh boy, here it comes. I prepare for what I know is about to happen, but it doesn't. What's he doing now? I hear a slick wet sound that sounds like someone rubbing a lot of lotion on their hands, then I feel something cold and wet drip onto my ass and down my groin. It's lube, he's using lube. Well, that's good, at least I know he's not going to hurt me. I don't even have time to prepare after figuring out what's he doing before he grabs my hips, one of his hands still slick and wet with lube, and  pushes himself balls deep in my ass. "AAHA-MMPH!!", I cry out. I was wrong, I was so so wrong. Even though he's using lube, he is NOT being gentle and he's a bit bigger than average. He's squeezing his fingertips into my hips and slamming into me. I muffle my yelps and moans of pain by crying into the bed. He's kissing, biting and licking my neck, back and shoulder as he's fucking me hard. "Mm, oh god, mmmm fuck you feel so good, so soft and tight", he moans. He rubs and squeezes my hips, sides, stomach, and thighs, pulling and stroking my skin in his hands. Fuck, this hurts, now I want him to finish soon. I writhe and squirm and cum out of agonizing ecstasy before he does from my bean slamming against the bed. He whines and moans, slowing down, but still being quite rough with me. I'm guessing with the pace that he's been going, he's forcing himself not to finish too soon. "Ohhh I needed this, ohh I need you, I needed this soo bad!", he growls in my ear. Damn, It's kind of sexy when growls and tells me he needs me. He bites my neck and pulls me into him as he slams himself balls deep into me. I cry out and he groans loudly into my neck. I feel his dick twitch and throb hard inside me as he cums. He continues to kiss me all over my neck, shoulder, and back and rub my legs and stomach. He keeps it in for a while, making sure he's completely done. Afterwards we both clean up, and I glance at the clock again. It's midnight. Shit, time really does fly by when you're having fun. Because it's so late, I tell Steve he can stay the night and sleep in my bed with me. In the morning, I wake up and Steve is gone. I check all over the house, but he's apparently left for good with no sign of returning. Damn, I was hoping he'd stick around. I go back to my room and notice that he had left his jacket here. Maybe he was in a hurry to leave and forgot it. I get dressed and pick it up to take to the bar to give Roxanne since he visits there so often when some stuff falls out of the pockets. Curious, I look at the items, maybe they could tell me a bit about just who Steve is. The first is a newspaper with the headline, "LUKAS HART III SUBPOENAED" with a picture of someone who looked an awful lot like Steve except he was wearing glasses. The next items were a court subpoena and a pair of glasses. The last was a wallet containing Lukas Hart III's driver's license and business card which read, "LUKAS HART III: Campaign Chairman for Bob Roberts". Guess we know now why "Steve" is such a secretive guy.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2021 ⏰

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