I'll Tell You All About It When I See You Again

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Hi guys. This is my first one shot. It is based of the song 'See you again'. And I don't really know what I am doing, but I'm going with the flow so hope you enjoy <33

*Just a trigger warning that there is mentions of Newts suicide attempt*


It's been a long day
Without you my friend
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again

We've come a long way
From where we began
Oh I the you all about it when I see you again.


Thomas awoke suddenly. He shot upright into a sitting position and grasped his hands over his face. Almost as though he was trying to shield it from the memories that were trapped inside his head.

He had been tortured by his mind with another nightmare. A nightmare of that night. The one in the last city. The one were he had lost one of his dearest friends.

They had been at the Safe Haven for a week now. Everyone had told him to settle in and just leave the past behind. But he couldn't, he couldn't forget him. He couldn't forget Newt.

He knows that Minho too hadn't moved on. Thomas had heard him from the bunk below, in his sleep, mumble words like 'wasn't fast enough' and 'could've saved him'.

Thomas is pretty sure Minho was the only other person on the island who understood how it felt. Frypan and Gally were good friends of Newt's, but nothing close to what Thomas, Minho and Newt were.

When Thomas came out of his reverie he looked over the edge of the bunk to see Minho still fast asleep. For once, the boy wasn't snoring and Thomas smiled to himself as he climbed down the bunks' ladder, being careful not to wake him.

Pushing aside the canvas of the tent they had been staying in, he was immediately hit by the beautiful colours of the sunrise. It reminded him of what Newt had said in his letter.

Subconsciously, he grasped the capsule through his shirt. 'And it all comes flooding back. Just the little things, like the way the sun used to hit the glade at that perfect moment right before it slipped beneath the walls.'

Newt would have loved it here. Watching the sun rise every morning, no walls to obscure its golden rays. "It does that every day here Newt and it's beautiful" He whispered as though trying to tell him. Newt wouldn't answer though.

Newt would never talk to Thomas again and Thomas would never see or hear him again. The thought stung his heart and he started walking down to the beach.

He got there quickly. Nobody else was up yet, so he wandered over to the memorial rock. He glanced at it with all their lost friends names carved in it.

Thomas reached a shaky hand out and felt the rough rock over Newts name. Eyes starting to sting, he turned and headed for the sea. Upon turning around he saw another figure had arose now.

The figure was stood head down, with his hands in his pockets mere meters away from where the tide was rolling in with crashing crystal blue waves.

Getting closer, he realised the figure was Minho. Thomas went and stood next to him. He too shoved his hands in his pockets and silently observed the the tide rushing in and out.

They stood like that for a few minutes in silence. Both lost in thought, until Minho broke it. "He would have loved it here" Minho said in no more than a whisper. He didn't turn his head, though Thomas looked at him. He observed the features of his friend.

Minho had big bags under his eyes showing he clearly wasn't sleeping as much as Thomas thought he had been. He had small scars on the sides of his head from his time at WCKD he presumed. A small tear escaped Minho's eye and slid down his face. He didn't wipe it away. He just stood there, almost unaware he was crying.

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