Chapter 8

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16 September 2018, 2:00 AM, Tahiti

Can't sleep.

Can't sleep. Can't sleep. Can't sleep.

I twisted and turned in my bed for hours. Hyun has gone mental. But that is no surprise. He was impulsive and mental all the time anyway. It was my responsibility to take care of the aftermath. But I really did not know what to do with him this time.

5:20 AM

When it was about morning, I decided that I can't sleep anyway. So I got out of bed and got dressed and walked outside. It was still so beautiful. I walked as far as I can on the beach. Looked at the rising sun, and sat down by the beach. Sometimes watching a crab come out of its cave in the sand. Or a seagull trying to catch a fish. Actually, when I just concentrate on the nature around me, everything, all the problems, things going on in the real world, everything feels insignificant. And I will wish if I can just blend into all this, or live here forever.

I did not realize the time was passing.

9:11 AM

Only when I started to feel hungry, I thought of going back to the resort. So I walked back. As I approached our hut, I saw that Hyun was walking around frantic as if looking for something...or someone. I guess he was looking for me. He saw me and came running to me.

"Where the hell have you been?" He yelled. "You know how worried I was. I woke up and you were not here."

"Well, it's you who took away my phone," I told him. "If my phone was with me you could have called me."

He frowned. I walked to the restaurant to get breakfast. Hyun followed me. "I thought you left or something." He mumbled. "Because of what I said last night."

"I did not feel there was a need to run away," I said crossing my hands. "I can handle you. I always have. Always will. You are no match against me. So no big deal."

"Oh really?" He asked, stepping in front of me.

"Yeah," I said. 

She had this confidence and unnerved look, that I was a bit nervous now. It felt like she will be impervious to anything that I do.

"Move." She said. "I want to go get the breakfast. I am hungry."

I moved away so as she can walk on. I could not refuse that 'move' command. She can be dominating and scary. am I supposed to woo her?? It seems impossible. But...whatever. Let's eat breakfast for now. 

10:30 Am

Hyun went to ride Jet Ski in the sea. I was not really interested. So I lay down on the beach to relax and maybe read a book. I don't really remember when the last time I had read a book was. I used to really love reading. It was just an old English novel I found on the tourist centre shelf. The lady said I could take it. And I needed to improve my English anyway. Plus, I did not really want to walk around or do anything hectic. I was feeling tired. I guess my body is still adjusting to the stuff after... that incident. People keep saying I need to take some rest. So... I guess this is a good time.

12:30 PM

Hyun jumped and fell to the sand near me at noon. "Let's eat lunch." He said. I closed my book. The white sand had jumped on his impact and now had specked all over his abs, tiny particles glittering in the sun, making his skin shine. And his brown hair again fell carelessly over his forehead. Can this guy be not this handsome and hot all the time? But then no. If he is not, we can't make money out of him anymore.

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