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Victoria Holland was finally crowned Princess Victoria of Wales at yesterday's coronation. An event like this hasn't been seen since her grandmothers coronation in 1953. It showed many differences, for one, Victoria never sat on the throne she stayed kneeling the whole time in front of the priests.

Victoria also branched out in her choices of outfits. It is a known rule not to wear off the shoulder dresses to royal events but it seems she's a rule breaker when it comes to these things. She wore an amazingly beautiful dress that would have put Kate to shame had it been a contest on what the royals wore in the future. The dress was a bright red and gold and had gold sleeves, she kept her hairdo simple and kept it down the entire time so that the tiara could sit comfortably on her head.

The coronation party consisted of the Queen, Victoria's adoptive parents Nikki and Dom Holland and Prince Charles, Prince William and Prince Harry. It showed the two families united. The relationship Victoria has between her biological family and adoptive family.

It is clear that she will keep her last name given to her through adoption. She will use this name when she is acting and working for herself. When she is working for the royal family she is known as Princess Victoria so that both parts of her life are integrated in a way that allows her to explore both worlds to the extent she is allowed.

We wish Princess Victoria the very best in her working and royal life as she embarks on a new journey and potentially a new beginning. We know that in time, a royal wedding will come about but as to when that will happen we do not know. We will keep praying and hoping that it will happen eventually to please the fans of the couple, Victoria and Chris.

We do know that Chris Evans will continue to act even if he becomes a Duke upon his marriage to Princess Victoria. As the Queen may feel dignified to name him a Duke when normally they are given the titles as Lord or Viscount. We will continue to wait patiently for the wedding of these two, even if it never comes to be.

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